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BNETDocs Packet Formatting

Started by Don Cullen, December 15, 2007, 02:10 PM

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Don Cullen

I'd like to set up XML formatting for the BNETDocs packet documentation. I feel this would establish a standard of formatting the documentation, and also open up mash-up possibilities for webmasters and bot developers alike. The editors of BNETDocs had already developed a XML structure for each packet on the forums of BNETDocs, but due to the server crash, that thread had been lost.

While I could ask the editors to re-develop the structure, I felt that it'd be better to involve the Battle.net Development community in this to ensure greater consensus.

Does anyone have ideas on what a good packet XML structure would look like?

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Some general talk lead to this:
// example query
<0x00 name="SID_NULL" direction="2" clients="delimited list of clients that use this packet" related"delimited list of other packets that relate">
      <Remarks/> // if any

Don Cullen

How about this?

<0x15 name="SID_CHECKAD" direction="2" clients="star,sexp,etc" relatedurls="type=bncs&id=0x15&direction=1">
//relatedurls would be delimited by commas
<DWORD descr="Platform ID">
<DWORD descr="Product ID">
<DWORD descr="ID of last displayed banner">
<DWORD descr="Current Time">
//Following are just fake, meant as an example
<STRING descr="Null Terminated String">
<VOID descr="Non-Null Terminated String">
<DWORD amt="4" descr="4 level DWORD array">
<remarks> // if any, can include html for formatting, using [] instead of <>
Requests ad banner information from battle.net.

Or in the case of repeated data, for example, SID_GETADVLISTEX:

<0x09 name="SID_GETADVLISTEX" direction="1" clients="star,sexp,etc" relatedurls="type=bncs&id=0x19&direction=2">
//relatedurls would be delimited by commas
<DWORD descr="Number of Games">
<DWORD case="if DWORD1 = 0" descr="Status">
<REPEAT case="DWORD1 > 0" amt="DWORD1">
<WORD descr="Game Type">
<WORD descr="Parameter">
<DWORD descr="Language ID">
<WORD descr="Address Family" default="AF_INET">
<WORD descr="Port">
<DWORD descr="Host's IP Address">
<DWORD amt="2" descr="Sin Zero (0)">
<DWORD descr="Game Status">
<DWORD descr="Elapsed time (in seconds)">
<STRING descr="Game Name">
<STRING descr="Game Password">
<STRING descr="Game Statstring">
[p]Returns a list of available games and their information. Varies depending on product.[/p]
[p]Note that fields from Address Family to sin_zero form a sockaddr_in structure.[/p]
[u]Valid status codes:[/u]
    [dl][dd]0x00: OK
0x01: Game doesn't exist
0x02: Incorrect password
0x03: Game full
0x04: Game already started
0x06: Too many server requests[/dd][/dl]

That'd allow for repeative payloads, allow conditionals, defining amounts to establish arrays, and also allow defining amount in array based on dword data. Thoughts?

Don't wonder why people suddenly are hostile when you treat them the way they shouldn't be- it's called 'Mutual Respect'.


Try this: This way, all the packets are in a <packet> element. The fields are all <field>s, and they have a type, name, and descr element, allowing robust tooltips to be displayed for difficult to understand packet elements. The star, sexp, diablo2, etc arguments of the <packet> elements only need to be marked true if necessary, and are otherwise assumed false, in order to allow for smaller code size for packets that are only used on a few clients.

<packet ordinal="0x15" name="SID_CHECKAD" direction="2" star="true" sexp="true" diablo2="true" relatedurls="type=bncs&id=0x15&direction=1">
<field type="DWORD" name="Platform ID" descr="Four byte platform ID">
<field type="DWORD" name="Product ID">
<field type="DWORD" name="ID of last displayed banner">
<field type="DWORD" name="Current Time">
//Following are just fake, meant as an example
<field type="STRING" name="Null Terminated String">
<field type="VOID" name="Non-Null Terminated String">
<field type="ADWORD" len="4" name="4 level DWORD array">
<remarks> <!--// if any, can include html for formatting, using [] instead of <> !>
Requests ad banner information from battle.net.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.