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Started by eNCHaNT, June 25, 2003, 05:32 PM

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im eNCHaNT...and i dont kno y
i do sutff
-Design bad graphics
-Websites (html notepad + frontpage + ie),

uhh..im 16 and stuff...and i live the the hell hole constantly refered 2 as new jersey
i know about 90% of QBasic, which serves almost no purpose, 1/100% of C++ and 0% VB, which im tryin 2 get into cause i wanna make a game and a bot...o yeah..im bored a lot................................................
i speak english and very little romaji
uhh...thats all

ps: romaji is japanese writen in english


you make websites in ie? ;-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You say you know QBasic but not VB. The transition from QB to VB is extremely smooth, perhaps you should try learning VB?


i can give some help on the way if youre interested in learning VB. just give me a call if you run into any problems :)


oooooo it is?