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Handing off the host in wc3 games

Started by Strilanc, January 12, 2008, 06:17 PM

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I've almost finished writing a bot which can host games in wc3. The last obstacle comes at the very end: when players finish loading and enter the map. The bots responsibilities end there, and so I want it to exit graciously.

The problem is all the strategies I've tried for disconnecting end up killing the game (players are sent straight to the score screen). My fear is that I will need to send something different for every map.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Public Function startCountdown() As Boolean
        broadcastPacket(GID.START_COUNTDOWN, array(Of Byte)())
        For i As Integer = 5 To 1 Step -1
             say("Game starting in " + i.ToString(), Color.Red)
        Next i
        say("Starting Game", Color.Red)
        broadcastPacket(GID.START_LOADING, array(Of Byte)())
        players(0).ready = True
    End Function

    Public Function receive_GID_PLAYER_READY(ByVal data() As Byte) As Boolean
        'this player is ready
        ready = True
        say(name + " is ready", Color.Blue)
        If send_GID_OTHER_PLAYER_READY() = False Then Return False

        'look for unready players
        Dim b As Boolean = True
        For Each p As BnetGamePlayer In players
            If p.ready = False Then b = False : Exit For
        Next p

        'launch when all ready
        If b Then
            say("All ready", Color.Blue)
            Return launchLoadedGame()
        End If

        Return True
    End Function

    Public Function launchLoadedGame() As Boolean
        say("Launching", Color.Blue)

        'send some game data to look good
        If broadcastPacket(GID.GAME_PACKET, array(Of Byte)(&HFA, &H0)) = False Then Return False

        'inform the players that you are leaving
        If send_GID_PLAYER_LEFT(players(0)) = False Then Return False

        'tell them the new host is the second player
        If send_GID_SET_HOST(players(1)) = False Then Return False

        For Each p As BnetGamePlayer In copyOfPlayers()
             If Not p.socket Is Nothing Then p.socket.disconnect()
        Next p
    End Function
Don't pay attention to this signature, it's contradictory.