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sphtbotv3 - logonproblems + other questions. Pls take a look.

Started by Nevyn, September 30, 2007, 09:33 AM

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First off, tnx for taking a look  :D

More to the point, Ive been running the bot with Starcraft ID latly, but thats not very effective atm, considering the fact that Blizzard activated Warden, and the bot therefore stop working after 2min.

So, first question: Im trying to run the bot with WC3, but there seems to be a problem (Others I know have the same problem). I connect to battle.net and then this happens.

[16:26:57] Connecting to Battle.net server europe.battle.net...
[16:26:57] Connected to Battle.net!
[16:26:57] Connecting to Battle.net logon server www.valhallalegends.com...
[16:26:58] Logon protocol set to NLS v1.01.
[16:26:58] Checking versions and CD-key...
[16:26:58] Connected to Battle.net logon server!

Which seems all nice and smooth, except it stops there, and never get any further.
Does anyone, or maybe even the God spht know the solution to this problem?

Other questions: I changed the script for the bot a bit, and managed to make commands like ".pingme" and others. Now here is the tricky part, whenever a user joins the channel the bot will say the lvl, icon, clan, etc of the user. Is there any way to "hook" on to the Icon, and lets say make functions that only affect i.e. peons?

Tnx for your time.


Actualy I would say its more than one good question, which make it good questions. Questions need answers. Sadly ur post didn't help. Hopefully the next one will.

*Crossing my fingers*


ah stupid me, tnx a lot UserLoser! :-)

About the other very good and interesting questions, any ideas people?



gj works, since were talking about sphtbot... Im just curious what are the event id # for sent whisper and id # for empty channels?

Also anyone have any ideas how to use oper variables %20 - %29, any examples or ideas how I can use it?
I try to use a old school command like channelban / scan, but when the server displays the users after the firstuser he has a comma after his name which screws up the process.
If anyone has any suggestions or examples Id greatly appreciate it!