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WebBot need help

Started by tassadar, April 10, 2007, 10:06 AM

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[16:50:52] Starting up...
[16:50:54] Contacting BotNet (botnet.valhallalegends.com:21845)...
[16:50:55] Connected to BotNet!
[16:53:01] Contacting Battle.net logon server (bnls.valhallalegends.com:9367)...
[16:53:01] Connected to BNLS!
[16:53:02] Searching for latest version code...
[16:53:02] Retrieved version code from Battle.net logon server!
[16:53:02] Contacting Battle.net chat server (europe.battle.net:6112)...
[16:53:02] Connected to BNCS!
[16:53:02] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[16:53:02] Checking versions and CD-key...
[16:53:03] Passed version and CD-key check!
[16:53:03] Unrecognized BNCS packet SID_004C received:
0000:  49 58 38 36 4D 69 6E 64 53 69 67 68 74 2E 6D 70   IX86MindSight.mp
0010:  71 00                                             q.
[16:53:03] Attempting to log on...
[16:53:03] Successfully logged on!
[17:03:19] Disconnected from Battle.net chat server
[17:03:20] Contacting Battle.net logon server (bnls.valhallalegends.com:9367)...
[17:03:20] Connected to BNLS!
[17:03:21] Searching for latest version code...
[17:03:21] Retrieved version code from Battle.net logon server!
[17:03:21] Contacting Battle.net chat server (europe.battle.net:6112)...
[17:03:21] Connected to BNCS!
[17:03:21] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[17:03:21] Checking versions and CD-key...
[17:03:22] Passed version and CD-key check!
[17:03:22] Unrecognized BNCS packet SID_004C received:
0000:  49 58 38 36 4D 69 6E 64 53 69 67 68 74 2E 6D 70   IX86MindSight.mp
0010:  71 00                                             q.
[17:03:22] Attempting to log on...
[17:03:22] Successfully logged on!
[17:04:03] Disconnected from Battle.net chat server
[17:04:05] Contacting Battle.net logon server (bnls.valhallalegends.com:9367)...
[17:04:06] Connected to BNLS!
[17:04:06] Searching for latest version code...
[17:04:06] Retrieved version code from Battle.net logon server!
[17:04:06] Contacting Battle.net chat server (europe.battle.net:6112)...
[17:04:06] Connected to BNCS!
[17:04:06] Logon protocol set to X-SHA1 v1.00.
[17:04:06] Checking versions and CD-key...
[17:04:07] Passed version and CD-key check!
[17:04:07] Unrecognized BNCS packet SID_004C received:
0000:  49 58 38 36 4D 69 6E 64 53 69 67 68 74 2E 6D 70   IX86MindSight.mp
0010:  71 00                                             q.
[17:04:07] Attempting to log on...
[17:04:07] Successfully logged on!
(05:04 ) Your account is muted.  As a result you will no longer be able to chat to any other users or in any channels.  However, you are permitted to play games or chat to other players in game.
(05:04 ) Your account has had all chat privileges suspended.  As a result you will no longer be able to join any channels or whisper any other users.  However, you are permitted to play games or chat to other players in game.

Why plz ? help !


You're using a Muted CD Key. Use a different key?


You can view information about muted CDKeys here:
Blizzard Tech Support/Op W@R - FallenArms
The Chat Gem Lives!