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EternalChat 2.17

Started by Spht, March 29, 2007, 01:19 PM

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Perhaps BNLS is/was offline.


=\ dono all my other bots seem to work i just need this one to make clan chanels for starcraft. did you have to patch it or hashes or anything or did u just download it and use it straight off?


Maybe it's no longer up-to-date? Afterall, there were more updates that came after Spht updated EternalChat. You'll have to try another bot.


Mmmm you got any ideas for any bots? i have Stealth Bot 2.6 but that cant make clan channels i need something like NF 5.3 (cant down load anywher) if you have any good bots could you send them to me ([email protected])


I don't know what good bots there are. I know of a few bots that work right now that use BNLS. Check out miragebot.net, you'll find some bots there. I don't recommend those bots, but I'm not sure you have a choice, or much of one. Also, SphtBot may also work.