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Completely new to SphtBOT

Started by harvardjanitor7, October 08, 2006, 12:18 AM

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The only thing I want my SphtBot to do is to message users as they come in: Your ping is [ping]!

And to kick players that say certain things. "You have been kicked for cursing!"

I've spent a couple hours reading, and trial and error with no success to anything.

Do I make a certain file? For the Opers.dll plugin, am I supposed to change the config file? There aren't any steps that I can follow (or I couldn't find any).

Can someone give me some steps on what to do?


I'm reading the configuration file "oper.cfg", and it has the line "Follwing is a bare-bones configuration to get you started." I think after this line I am supposed to put the coding that will tell my sphtbot what to do!

I have several questions:

(1) oper.cfg is supposed to be in the sphtbot folder, or the oper folder?
(2) The coding is suppoed to go like this: &<event number>&<usermask>&<flags match>&<conditional>&<text match>&<action>
      Is there any way I can find out about event numbers? The only thing the config file says about them is "minus 1000"
(3) How do I setup the database? I think the database is users.txt; do I put it in the oper folder or the Sphtbot folder and how do I set up the    users in this file?
(4) How do I setup flags, usermasks?

Spht, help please! I'm sure this will help out another person also


Quote from: harvardjanitor7 on October 08, 2006, 12:18 AM
And to kick players that say certain things. "You have been kicked for cursing!"