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Started by Noodlez, June 05, 2003, 11:25 AM

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I'm at school right now... and we have this annoying program called DeepFreeze installed. I managed to get into the login screen, although I can't get the password. Currently I'm downloading a debugger so I can try and extract the password from memory. Although, there's only 30 minutes left in the class period and this internet connection is slower then my shit. Do any of you know methods of disabling it? (That don't involve booting from a floppy disk or formatting the harddrive)


(See also:  CupHead,  Library,  Computer Access)


If you have spy++ you can do fun stuff using SendMessage() at the password box (make the password char '\0' then get the admin to type in his password.. maybe he won't notice that you can read it? :-))
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


If your school's server uses Novell, Then contact me on bnet or through my aim and i can give you a hand. I got past the deep freeze program on our systems by killing the process, there's also server pwl files in the Main directory(which you should know about). I'll tell you more if you PM or contact me on bnet.


HELLO?  Know your local laws.  This activity probably is defined as unlawful computer access, and covered under some computer crime law.  Whether the law sucks or not is largely irrelevant.  What is important is whether you will be its victim.

Go read the CupHead forum for much more discussion about this, as he was stung by a pretty vague situation in his town.  What you're doing is more overt in intentions than what CupHead did, and they acted like he was Kevin Mitnick reborn.

Make sure the benefits of what you're doing is worth the risk to your future computer career.  A criminal record in hacking will shut you out of 50% of all computer jobs.  No government agency or company that contracts with government agencies will hire you.


Why'd you have to warn him? There'd be one less lamer running around.


Well, I won't make the mistake of telling my school administrator that DeepFreeze sucks.

Incase anyone cares to know, DF is a virtual driver; I just booted to DOS (requires a boot disk) and deleted pxfiag.vxd (something like that).


Noodlez, be careful. Grok wasn't kidding. Just because you didn't tell anyone doesn't mean it isn't possible for them to find out. What seems minor to you may not be so minor according to the law. You're a friend of mine, and I'd rather not see more of my friends getting carted off by the police (CupHead was quite enough, thanks).
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.