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Gift Suggestions for Math and CS Professors.

Started by Sorc.Polgara, March 06, 2007, 07:29 PM

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I was wondering if anyone possibly has/can think of any suggestions or perhaps has had experience in gift shopping for their Math and/or CS Professors, and would be willing to share it with me.

I really would like to convey my appreciation to a few Math and CS Professors who've done a lot for me, and with whom I've developed strong relationships with over the last year and half.  I want to show my gratitude to these professors beyond just the verbal "thanks a lot" and "thank you very much" I've given them more than once, because they've taken the time and thought to write me excellent recommendations for REU programs, have nominated/won me scholarships and awards, and more.

I'm horrible at gift shopping and coming up with gifts in general, because I'm not very creative.  So far the ideas I've come up with would be more better suited if I were shopping for High School level or lower Math or CS teachers.

I'm having trouble coming up with gift ideas that aren't too expensive, are something they would be able to use long after I graduate in a couple years, and are something they likely don't already have.

Since the vL forum community is pretty much geared towards Math and CS related topics, I thought I might be able to find some assistance here.

Thank you for your time.


What are their personalities like? These aren't really useful, but if they're the kind who would get a good laugh out of a novelty, I can suggest Floppy Disk Journals or the CHIMP for the CS Prof and a water-powered calculator for the Math Prof.

However, since these are presents for graduation, those are probably not what you're looking for.
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


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Thanks for the suggestions.

Wine is a good one.


a cdkey?

lifetime subscription to the vl forums?
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