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If your versed in Canadian laws I'm looking for some advice.

Started by l)ragon, February 02, 2007, 05:28 PM

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I have been working with a company now for I guess almost 2 years now, when they hired me they knew I never had a drivers license and it was okayed with one of our VP's at the time.

Well today I got fired and their reason was because I'm not licensed to drive I'm no longer fit to work with the company, I have a witness which was also there to hear this reason.

I have never signed anything telling me I should get one nor has anyone told me to get one, so I kind of have a little bit of a problem comprehending how he can do this and how much damage I can do to this company with the reason given to me.



You weren't fired because you didn't have a drivers license...

It's because you suck so bad, so they went fishing


I don't know about Canada, but in America an agreement with a witness is a legally binding contract.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.


Quote from: rabbit on February 02, 2007, 06:37 PM
I don't know about Canada, but in America an agreement with a witness is a legally binding contract.
Yes that is why I had somone in the boss's room to hear this reason they had gave me, so that I may have some sort of leverage for when I go to our labour board on Monday, just incase someone trys to change the story.


Be smart and make sure you get it on paper, the agreement is still legally binding but proving it is another thing


Quote from: topaz on February 03, 2007, 06:38 PM
Be smart and make sure you get it on paper, the agreement is still legally binding but proving it is another thing
Ya that was something else, I had asked them for it in writeing and he refused to give it to me saying he mailed it to our head office and said they would be mailing it to me, which could be a good thing too because he has 3 or 5 days(cant remember, and if i remember this includes sat/sun) to give me my seperation papers and such and they went to a meeting in florada and wont be back untill wednesday.


get the witness to sign a statement saying they heard that the reason you were fired was because you didn't have a driver's license. However, proving they hadn't forewarned you may be a problem...


Quote from: Ripple on February 03, 2007, 06:50 PM
get the witness to sign a statement saying they heard that the reason you were fired was because you didn't have a driver's license. However, proving they hadn't forewarned you may be a problem...
I'm pretty sure they will mostlikely phone the witness and probably everyone else that works in the shop since they all went up and ask wtf he was doing.


According to the fellow I spoke with at our Labour board, any company can fire you for what ever reason they feel like as long as they give you your termination pay (for a specified time frame which is on the labour boards webpage), which I will be getting.

He also told me if I realy want to pursue the matters I should speak with a lawyer and see if I have a case heh.

