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Re: D2XP Login Info

Started by warz, October 19, 2002, 12:46 PM

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Ok... Whats ur question? You want to know how to login using D2XP? or what?

D2XP i dont know much about but D2DV i find easy. Im not sure if you HAVE to login with a character using d2xp or you dont. i tried adding the d2xp client to my bot but i didnt get it to work.
=_=  &&  g0dFraY  &&  -=Templar=-  @USWest


you dont need to login with a character thats only if you opt for realm connectivity. You can login just as d2dv or d2xp. But for xp you need the 0x51 login scheme you can't use the old one. The older login system still works for everything but d2xp and war3.