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BNLS.dll and sample app.

Started by l)ragon, November 24, 2006, 07:05 PM

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Quote from: l)ragon on November 24, 2006, 10:30 PM
Is there nomore gratitude left on this forum or what you should be thankfull that I released this, after all this useless nonsense so keep your ungreatfull comments to your self (yes you know who you are).
Nice of you to release this, l)ragon. Im sure some will find it usefull.
Dont take the attitude your getting persionaly, the troll is hungry to leach meat, and you just threw him fruit.
Give him time to calm down :)

Aside, how does this dll of yours work?
Does it call back or does it release the call to the function after BNLS has responded?


Quote from: Ringo on November 25, 2006, 07:45 AM
Quote from: l)ragon on November 24, 2006, 10:30 PM
Is there nomore gratitude left on this forum or what you should be thankfull that I released this, after all this useless nonsense so keep your ungreatfull comments to your self (yes you know who you are).
Nice of you to release this, l)ragon. Im sure some will find it usefull.
Dont take the attitude your getting persionaly, the troll is hungry to leach meat, and you just threw him fruit.
Give him time to calm down :)

Aside, how does this dll of yours work?
Does it call back or does it release the call to the function after BNLS has responded?
I wanted to have data on demand so it will return the function after the response.


also if you deside to use the auth your returns will be the following.

#define STATUS_AUTHORIZED               (0x00)
#define STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED             (0x01)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_NAME            (-2)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_PASS            (-3)
#define FUNCTION_FAIL    (-1)


Works good, hope no one abuses it, and they should stop bashing it too.


You realize all the DLL does is:
connect to bnls
send 0x1a
recv 0x1a
disconnect from bnls

you can do that with 6 lines of code and a winsock control, somehow he's turned it into 25 or so, and he's probably got a packetbuffer implementation in the DLL, so that's TWO packetbuffers for one program plus the added bonus of yet another external library, yes how useful.


Quote from: Ersan on November 25, 2006, 08:31 PM
You realize all the DLL does is:
connect to bnls
send 0x1a
recv 0x1a
disconnect from bnls

you can do that with 6 lines of code and a winsock control, somehow he's turned it into 25 or so, and he's probably got a packetbuffer implementation in the DLL, so that's TWO packetbuffers for one program plus the added bonus of yet another external library, yes how useful.

If you have nothing good to say don't say it at all, son.


Edited and updated link, if you were useing the dll, you will want to fix your outbuf processing for BNLS_VERSIONCHECKEX2 as I have removed the header from the send back.


Updated dll and class yet again, it will now give you the exact data from BNLS_VERSIONCHECKEX2 (-) the header and (-) the extra null's.

Edit: I have supplyed a crude sample bot which use's the dll on our webpage (under my name) as requested the DataArrival could use some work, but you get what you payed for.


Quote from: l)ragon on November 25, 2006, 02:16 PM
also if you deside to use the auth your returns will be the following.

#define STATUS_AUTHORIZED               (0x00)
#define STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED             (0x01)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_NAME            (-2)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_PASS            (-3)
#define FUNCTION_FAIL    (-1)

Where do you get these unknown* status codes from?


BNLS_AUTHORIZEPROOF probably.  I think unknown means invalid.

Dunno how you'd figure out if the botid is valid or not since BNLS sends BNLS_AUTHORIZE even if the botid is invalid now.

The last three constants are likely specific to his DLL, what exactly are you asking?


Quote from: UserLoser on November 29, 2006, 01:00 PM
Quote from: l)ragon on November 25, 2006, 02:16 PM
also if you deside to use the auth your returns will be the following.

#define STATUS_AUTHORIZED               (0x00)
#define STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED             (0x01)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_NAME            (-2)
#define STATUS_UNKNOWEN_PASS            (-3)
#define FUNCTION_FAIL    (-1)

Where do you get these unknown* status codes from?
Its so i know where to look if there were to ever be any problems.


Was just wondering because to my knowledge those status codes are not in BNLS, perhaps JBLS supports them?


I think he just made them up for his use with his dll.


Quote from: warz on November 29, 2006, 06:25 PM
I think he just made them up for his use with his dll.
Yes -2,-3 are possible internal errors, which I doubt anyone will see anyways.
Edit -1, should be pretty obvious.