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Error ... Where is it?

Started by ChroniX, November 06, 2006, 10:22 PM

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1004D569    jne                                     1004D573
1004D56B    mov                                     eax,dword ptr [ecx]
1004D56D    mov                                     edx,dword ptr [eax]
1004D56F    push                             1
1004D571    call                             edx
1004D573    add                                     ebx,1
1004D576    add                                     edi,14h
1004D579    cmp                                     ebx,dword ptr [esi-0Ch]
1004D57C    jb                                              1004D553
1004D57E    lea                                     edi,[esi-14h]
1004D581    call                             1004D930
1004D586    mov                                     eax,dword ptr [edi-4]
1004D589    mov                                     dword ptr [edi-8],10116BA0h
1004D590    mov                                     ecx,dword ptr [eax+4]
1004D593    mov                                     dword ptr [ecx+edi-4],10116BC4h
1004D59B    pop                                     edi
1004D59C    pop                                     esi
1004D59D    pop                                     ebx
1004D59E    ret
1004D59F    int                                     3
1004D5A0    push                             esi
1004D5A1    lea                                     esi,[ecx-1Ch]
1004D5A4    push                             edi
1004D5A5    lea                                     edi,[esi+1Ch]
1004D5A8    mov                                     ecx,edi
1004D5AA    call                             1004D530
1004D5AF    test                             byte ptr [esp+0Ch],1
1004D5B4    mov                                     dword ptr [edi],10111674h
1004D5BA    je                                              1004D5C5
1004D5BC    push                             esi
1004D5BD    call                             100C2593
1004D5C2    add                                     esp,4
1004D5C5    pop                                     edi[code/]


What kind of error?

Do you know much about programming?  Do you realize that there are things like compile-time and run-time errors that could affect where you're looking for an error?

Maybe you'd also like to tell us what the error is that you're looking for (for instance, unexpected output) instead of just specifying that there's an error?
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


There are many errors here, including a memory leak ... your job is to find those errors. That's the fun of this topic! =]

It's like playing hide and seek, you don't tell the seekers where you are, they find the hider. Like this code, you find the errors, I already know what they are.


Well, ok, starting from the top then.. what's in ecx? You're trying to move the address of the data in ecx, into eax. This line will obviously fail. You're dealing uninitialized data, and this will accomplish nothing. Found it. That wasn't so hard.


Sounds like a homework question? :-\
~ FrOzeN


No, sounds to me like he's writing some program, or something, but is receiving and error, and hit the debug button, on that error pop up dialog. n00b


Quote from: warz on November 07, 2006, 03:05 AM
No, sounds to me like he's writing some program, or something, but is receiving and error, and hit the debug button, on that error pop up dialog. n00b
Um.. yeah..

Quote from: ChroniX on November 06, 2006, 11:00 PM
There are many errors here, including a memory leak ... your job is to find those errors. That's the fun of this topic! =]

It's like playing hide and seek, you don't tell the seekers where you are, they find the hider. Like this code, you find the errors, I already know what they are.
From that, and based off his other posts regarding help, it shows that he's at an ASM level?
~ FrOzeN