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Started by Ishbar, September 27, 2006, 12:49 AM

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   Separation of a Mixture
I.   Purpose:
To take a mixture of an unknown composition. Observe its physical properties. Record the processes done. Separate its contents through physical methods and draw from it a conclusion.

   II.   Definitions:
1)A Mixture is a composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable of being separated.

2)A Substance is that which has mass and occupies space; matter.

3)A Physical Property is an aspect of an object that can be experienced using one of the five human senses without changing its chemical composition: touch, taste, smell, sight or sound.

4)A Solution is an homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be solids, liquids, gases, or a combination of these.

   III a).   Materials:
         Beaker (250mL)
         Evaporating Dish
         Filter Paper
         Crucible Tongs
         Stirring Rod
         Funnel Top
         Paper Towels
         Wire Gauze
   III b).   Safety Materials:
         Safety Goggles

   IV.   Hypothesis:
   It is believed that the mixture contains several different Substances. Some physically separable,    others experimentally separable i.e. - Sugar being melted down to separate it from salt.

V.    Procedure / Method:

-Two spoonfuls of an unknown Mixture are taken into a 30mL cup.
   Observation I.) Salt and Pepper like appearance evenly distributed throughout mixture.    Visually definite substances stand out such as corn at the top.
-A Paper Towel is placed beneath the Wire Gauze. The Mixture is emptied onto the Wire Gauze and sifted for about a minute to separate larger substances from smaller ones. Substances are then separated into their corresponding pairs with the use of Crucible Tongs.
Observation II.) Smaller particles [ Sand ] fall onto the paper towel leaving the larger, more defined materials un-filtrated.
   -A second paper towel is wrapped around a Magnet, the magnet is drawn through the sifted    sand-like substance to withdraw any magnetic materials.
      Observation III.) Finite pieces of iron pull towards the magnets field as it is drawn close       to the materials. This process is done multiple times as to assure most the iron is is          removed.
   -20mL of water is poured into the 250mL Beaker. The now metal free substance is stirred with    the Stirring Rod into the water for about a minute to make a Solution.
      Observation IV.) The waters color changed from a translucent light friendly fluid to a          dirty, tarnished, murky colored mixture. Sediment from the sand fell to the bottom while          clouds of the substance floated freely.
   -The Filter Paper was taken and folded twice over into a cone shape. Shortly thereafter is was    placed snugly to the form of the Funnel Top. The solution from the 250mL Beaker was    emptied into the Funnel Top and slowly drained down an Evaporating Dish.
      Observation V.) A soot-like residue is left on the Filter Paper after straining the recently       made solution. The water in the Evaporating Dish was distilled and no longer is murky,          dirt ridden color.
   -The clear water left in the Evaporating Dish sat out for a couple of days uncovered. Then    checked shortly after.
      Observation VI.) Salt Crystallization had made itself apparent as several rings had          formed from the center out. To the middle, cube like formations peaked up to about 1 ½          cm in height. The color surrounding was a faded yellow. Less salt formed on the sides of       the dish showing that there was lower concentrations of salt.
   -Materials were cleaned, dried and returned to their respective locations. The Mixtures filled    back into the container, and the Evaporating Dish thoroughly washed.

VI.      Mixture Contents:

      Black in color, rough at the touch, but finite or grain-like.
      Silver in color, malleable, very light weight, beaded shape.
   Pepper Corn
      Spherical in shape, black in color, pungent in scent.
   Yellow Corn
      Yellow exterior, solid when dry but soft when wet, absorbent in nature.
      Extremely malleable, tinged copper color.
   Rusted Nail
      Firm structure, brittle exterior of rust, cedar in color.
   Rocks / Granite?
      Speckled white appearance, small and chipped in shape, considerably hard.
      Light chestnut color, consistent size throughout, smooth when handled.

   VII.      Conclusion:

   This Mixture, being heterogeneous, was estimated to contain around 7 substances previous to    closer examination. Some substances such as the Aluminum, and the Rusted Nail, were overtly    on the top of the Mixture. Through concise experimentation the hypothesis earlier stated was    proven true. It took both visual techniques, such as sifting, and picking out substances    contained within the Mixture to and more elaborate techniques like filtering the sand to extract    salt by    allowing the water to be evaporated over a period of time. The end result was successful    separation and analysis of observed contents of the Mixture.

Q1. Previously Answered in Lab. [See  section VI.]

Q2. No, sugar(Sucrose-C12H22O11) and salt(Sodium Chloride-NaCl) are too similar visually in nature to be able [without the aid of a microscope] efficiently separate one from the other. On the other hand, a practical method would be to take the said salt and sugar, place them in a red hot pan and allow them to heat up. Sugars melting point is 186°C while salt must obtain a temperature 5 times greater than that of sugar [801 °C] to melt. In consequence to the high temperatures, the sugar will break down and leave a awful smelling, black residue of carbon on the pan. With the aid of water the salt can be absorbed out from the pan and then evaporated out like in the Separation of a Mixture experiment.

Q3. Yes, peanuts, chocolate chips, and raisins all have unique physical properties. Peanuts are typically round, and smooth from the oils on them. Chocolate chips tend to had a light powder and melt easily if exposed to moderately warm temperatures. Raisins are the most distinct, its small shape makes model of a shrunk down prune, the sugar which surrounds it is another dynamic as well. One must simply feel any of the three to separate into like pairs. Or...you can just eat them!

Q4. N/A?

Lab Report: Separation of a Mixture




I needed it for school.  :-\

Stop being gh3y.