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When and how to send 0x31 (VB)?

Started by Antarctica, August 19, 2006, 12:44 PM

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Ok here's my sub for 0x31: (im sending it right after i get a success login and before 0x0A)

Public Sub Send0x31()

    Dim OldPass As String
    Dim NewPass As String
    Dim lngToken As Long
    OldPass = LCase(Declarations.Password)
    NewPass = LCase(Declarations.ChangePassTo)
    lngToken = GetTickCount()

    With PBuffer
        .InsertDWORD lngToken
        .InsertDWORD Declarations.lngSrvToken
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.doubleHashPassword(OldPass, lngToken, Declarations.lngSrvToken)
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.doubleHashPassword(NewPass, lngToken, Declarations.lngSrvToken)
        .InsertNTString Declarations.Username
        .SendPacket &H31
    End With
End Sub

If im not hashing it right or sending it at the wrong time, plz tell me cause im puzzled.


New password should be a single hash not a double.
Quote from: replaced on November 04, 2006, 11:54 AM
I dunno wat it means, someone tell me whats ix86 and pmac?
Can someone send me a working bot source (with bnls support) to my email?  Then help me copy and paste it to my bot? ;D
Já jsem byl určenej abych tady žil,
Dával si ovar, křen a k tomu pivo pil.
Tam by ses povídaj jak prase v žitě měl,
Já nechci před nikym sednout si na prdel.

Já nejsem z USA, já nejsem z USA, já vážně nejsem z USA... a snad se proto na mě nezloběj.


This should be sent after a successful Cd-Key and version check, but before logging onto Battle.net via SID_LOGONRESPONSE or SID_LOGONRESPONSE2.  Like stated above, make sure you're sending Battle.net a singly hashed password because if you do what you're doing, your password is not hashed correctly and what you think your password is will not be what it actually is meant to be.


ok this is what i now have for the sub, however every time i try to change the password it fails:  i have it made to wehre the bot asks for the new password and sends it to BNET right after i get a version checked passed from S>0x51

Public Sub Send0x31()

    Dim OldPass As String
    Dim NewPass As String
    Dim lngToken As Long
    OldPass = LCase(Declarations.Password)
    NewPass = LCase(Declarations.ChangePassTo)
    lngToken = GetTickCount()

    With PBuffer
        .InsertDWORD lngToken
        .InsertDWORD Declarations.lngSrvToken
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.hashPassword(OldPass)
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.hashPassword(NewPass)
        .InsertNTString Declarations.Username
        .SendPacket &H31
    End With
End Sub

it worked for one account when did double hash but it changed the password to something i don't know lol, so plz help


You double hash the old password and just single hash the new password.


heres my new sub and STILL unable to change password  :'( :'(

Public Sub Send0x31()

    Dim OldPass As String
    Dim NewPass As String
    Dim lngToken As Long
    OldPass = LCase(Declarations.Password)
    NewPass = LCase(Declarations.ChangePassTo)
    lngToken = GetTickCount()

    With PBuffer
        .InsertDWORD lngToken
        .InsertDWORD Declarations.lngSrvToken
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.doubleHashPassword(BNCSutil.hashPassword(OldPass), lngToken, Declarations.lngSrvToken)
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.hashPassword(NewPass)
        .InsertNTString Declarations.Username
        .SendPacket &H31
    End With
End Sub


Oh sorry, I guess I worded that wrong, do this:

        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.doubleHashPassword(OldPass, lngToken, Declarations.lngSrvToken)
        .InsertNonNTString BNCSutil.hashPassword(NewPass)


heh hero, i lkie ur sig thnigie.  wehn i raed i fnid taht to be true.


Thanks, so I take it that worked?
