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Wacrcraft 3 TFT In Game protocols

Started by leax, July 03, 2006, 11:22 AM

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i been researching on bnet war3 in game protocols lately inspired from the famous banlist porgram in use by alot of "dota" game.
i just find it quite hard to find any docs on this subject or am i looking at the wrong place
anyway ill post some of my finding for thoses to use for evil or just

oh i m using decimal here, dont like using hex in coding, still noob probly
from the docs it says in game protocl always start with 247, follow by 1 byte ID , follow by 2 bytes to indicate packet length eg [247]-[66]-[13][0]-[255][255][255][0][0][0][0][1][1]
the IDs and their purpose are as follows
[10] game starting in 5 seconds
[11] game just started
[27] u left the game
[28] u got kicked outa the game
[1]   incoming ping to see if your alive
[70] outgoing pong to say im alive
[40] chat messages, most of the time
[52] chat messages
[15] chat messages
[7]   some player left the game, yeh it doesnt specified who, think only the position or slot that emptied is indicated

[6]    - a player has joined the game someoen else hosted
[30]  - a player has join a game u hosting
ID 6 and ID 30 are probly the most important packets, they contain player names and their IPs in non encrypted format once u join a game, and its a separate packet for each player already in the game or joined after.

for ID 6, would be someting like
[247] [6] [60][0] [?][?][?][?][?] [l][e][a][ x ][0] [?][?][?][?][?] [224][23] [192][128][0][11][?][?][...
ok theres a lot of thing i dont know whats going on, but, the player name string always start at 9th index in this case "leax" + null terminator
and leax's port number would be the null terminator incrment by 5 so  [224][23] would be 6112 in this case
and finally right after the port is the ip address  [192][128][0][11]
as u can see u can easily find out about someone' ip as u join the game

so yeh theres  so much i havent figured out still, but i managed to write a banlist program from the info i gathered in vb.net in the end and still like to find out more about war3 ingame protocols if any one can point me to where to look


Quote from: rabbit on July 03, 2006, 11:46 AM
That excessively large blank section below your post is unnecessary.
Warcarft3 Custom Game Host Bot Development


That excessively large blank section below your post is unnecessary.
Grif: Yeah, and the people in the red states are mad because the people in the blue states are mean to them and want them to pay money for roads and schools instead of cool things like NASCAR and shotguns.  Also, there's something about ketchup in there.