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help with d2gs 0x96 plz

Started by ShadowDancer, July 12, 2006, 10:18 AM

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Does anyone know the format of this packet or can someone help me to track it in the dlls?
Quote from: MyndFyre-vL
No. We help people who help themselves.


I don't have my docs with me atm, but I can tell you that it has the X,Y location and users stamina..the last Word is unknown.


Iv got the format here:

96 5C 00 08 8C 25 8A F6 0D
(BITS[15]) Stamina
(BITS[15]) Location X
(BITS[1]) Unknown
(BITS[15]) Location Y
(BITS[18]) Unknown

Public Function READ_S_0x96(ByRef objBuf As clsRecvBuffer, ByRef udtGame As D2GS_UDT_GAME, ByRef NewStamina As Integer) As Boolean
'96 5C 00 08 8C 25 8A F6 0D
    Dim i As Integer
    i = modRet.FindPlayer(udtGame, udtGame.MyChar.ID)
    READ_S_0x96 = False
    If i = -1 Then Exit Function
    Dim iRead As clsItemReader
    Set iRead = New clsItemReader
    Dim tmpX As Integer
    Dim tmpY As Integer
    iRead.ItemPacket = objBuf.gVOID(9)
    Call iRead.SkipBits(8) 'packet ID
    NewStamina = iRead.ReadAsInteger(15)
    tmpX = iRead.ReadAsInteger(15)
    Call iRead.SkipBits(1) 'unknown
    tmpY = iRead.ReadAsInteger(15)
    Call modRet.SwitchMovement(udtGame.Player(i).Movment, tmpX, tmpY, -1)
    Call iRead.SkipBits(18) 'unknown
    Set iRead = Nothing
    READ_S_0x96 = True
End Function

Hope this helps


Quote from: MyndFyre-vL
No. We help people who help themselves.