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CDKey Decoding

Started by root, March 10, 2006, 08:48 AM

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i was wondering what is ment by CDKey Decoding
i wanna make war3 keygen that genrates keys valid for install purpose but export the results (ex: 1000 cdkey ) to
txt file

is what im looking for is CDKey Decoding or the Installer Cdkey algorithm

thnx in advance



Okay, the solution for sc key hasn't even been close to being solved. and thats only 0-9 / length 13 now your talkin about a A-Z / length 25 not gunna happen.. and even if it did happen i don't think the code would be posted publicy for anyone..

But has far for the CDKey Decode function im sure someone will provide that for you.


thnx for your help


was this what you were looking for?
Public Sub DecodeW3Key(ByVal CDKey As String, ByVal ClientToken As Long, ByVal ServerToken As Long, ByRef CDKeyProduct As Long, ByRef CDKeyValue1 As Long, ByRef HashedCDKeyData As String)
Dim u1 As Long, u2 As String, u3 As Long
Dim bytHashBuffer(25) As Byte
Dim Context As SHA1_CTX
Dim bytHashedData() As Byte
Dim i As Byte
    u2 = String$(10, vbNullChar)
    DecodeWar3CDkey UCase$(CDKey), u2, u3, u1
    RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(0)), ClientToken, 4
    RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(4)), ServerToken, 4
    RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(8)), u3, 4
    RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(12)), u1, 4
    For i = 0 To 9
        RtlMoveMemory ByVal VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(16 + i)), CByte(Asc(Mid$(u2, i + 1, 1))), 1
    Next i
    bytHashedData() = SHA1Add(VarPtr(Context), VarPtr(bytHashBuffer(0)), UBound(bytHashBuffer) + 1)
    CDKeyProduct = u3
    CDKeyValue1 = u1
    HashedCDKeyData = StrConv(bytHashedData, vbUnicode)
End Sub