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Chat Line Limit for WebBot?

Started by Croohm, June 16, 2003, 05:22 AM

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Is there any way to set a line limit to the chat window for WebBot 1.08?
After like 24 hours of use, WebBot takes 99% CPU and fails to update properly. After emptying the chat window it works better again. I run WebBot on Windows XP Pro 24/7 usage.

Anyone else has this problem?


Expect a new version soon that will chop off lines from the top after the window has so many lines on it.


Quote from: Spht on June 16, 2003, 06:48 AM
Expect a new version soon that will chop off lines from the top after the window has so many lines on it.

The future is now.


HAHA!! You are just somthing Spht!! This is great!
Thanks for the EX response  ;D ;D ;D ;D!!!