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This partisan voting crap is so lame

Started by DarkMinion, January 31, 2006, 10:18 AM

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Why can't the nominee being voted upon be scrutinized by his credentials, legal expertise, and judicial record instead of whether he's considered conservative or liberal?  When I see the democrats simply voting "no" by principle, because their boosters would pull funding if they voted for a perceived conservative candidate (and vice versa for republicans), it makes me sick.  (Of course I know that a few democrats voted yes, and a few republicans voted no)

It was all a moot point, as we all knew he would be confirmed anyway.

In this case, I found it rather amusing how shocked the democrats tried to appear after his nomination.  It almost seems as if they're just going through the motions nowadays, as if they think that simply opposing anything and everything the republicans do will get them back into office.  Senator Feinstein's comments during the hearing were probably the most comical.  She actually believes that liberal values are in the mainstream, and that simply opposing any conceived conservative will achieve her party's goals.

Also if anyone watched the confirmation hearing, note the absence of Mrs. Clinton.  Don't be surprised, as she considers herself above attending anything like this.  I can't stand that bitch.  I will shoot myself if she ever becomes any more powerful than a U.S. Senator.


For the democrat liberals it is all about attacking Bush and anything that surrounds him. That is all they can do and that is all they got. They embarrass themselves in the process of doing so.

When was the last time you heard the liberals speak on important issues like Iran?
When was the last time you head them talk about immigration?
When was the last time you heard them talk about 2 major car manufacturers in the United States on the brink of bankruptcy when those auto manufacturers are the ones that would be making tanks and military vehicles for us in an event of another world war just like they have in WW2? What are we going to do when another world war does break out and we don't have the plants or personnel to make military equipment? Are we going to outsource our tank production to China? How come no one speaks about imposing tariffs on foreign vehicles to preserve our economy and our own companies?

How come neither the republicans nor the democrats care about this country anymore?

All the liberal scumbags care about is a moderate conservative sitting on the Supreme Court that is for protecting our constitutional rights.

Kennedy, Schumer, Feinstein, and that witch Clinton are all liberal/socialist scum and are a disgrace to the senate and this country.