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(0x2C) Keep getting a disc...

Started by Tazo, January 22, 2006, 03:24 AM

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For some reason, all I am getting is a disconnection. I create and start the game fine, its leaving thats a problem... I packetlogged using SC, here are my notes

FF 2C 83 01
00 00 00 00  - DWORD 0
08 00 00 00  - DWORD Number of Results
02 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[Loss]]   <-- cA.Tazo
01 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[Win]]    <-- lml(O.o)lml
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
00 00 00 00  - DWORD[8] Results [[empty]]
63 41 2E 54 61 7A 6F - cA.Tazo                                 }
00 (delimiter)                                                             }
6C 6D 6C 28 4F 2E 6F 29 6C 6D 6C - lml(O.o)lml       }
00 (delimiter)                                                             }
00                                                                              }          Results
00                                                                              }
00                                                                              }
00                                                                              }
00                                                                              }
00                                                                              }

3C 6D 61 70 3E 54 68 65 20 4C 6F 73 74 20 54 65 6D 70 6C 65 3C 2F 6D 61 70 3E 0A - <map>The Lost Temple</map>

3C 72 61 63 65 3E 50 72 6F 74 6F 73 73 3C 2F 72 61 63 65 3E <race>Protoss</race>

3C 74 69 6D 65 3E 31 34 38 3C 2F 74 69 6D 65 3E - <time>148</time>

20 20 3C 73 63 6F 72
65 20 6F 76 65 72 61 6C 6C 3D 22 36 35 30 22 20
75 6E 69 74 73 3D 22 32 30 30 22 20 73 74 72 75   - <score overall="650" units="200" structures="400" resources="50"/>
63 74 75 72 65 73 3D 22 34 30 30 22 20 72 65 73
6F 75 72 63 65 73 3D 22 35 30 22 2F 3E

20 20 3C 75 6E 69 74 73 20 73 63 6F 72 65 3D 22 32
30 30 22 20 70 72 6F 64 75 63 65 64 3D 22 34 22         -  <units score="200" produced="4" killed="0" lost="0"/>
20 6B 69 6C 6C 65 64 3D 22 30 22 20 6C 6F 73 74
3D 22 30 22 2F 3E

20 20 3C 73 74 72 75 63
74 75 72 65 73 20 73 63 6F 72 65 3D 22 34 30 30
22 20 63 6F 6E 73 74 72 75 63 74 65 64 3D 22 31         - <structures score="400" constructed="1" razed="0" lost="0"/>
22 20 72 61 7A 65 64 3D 22 30 22 20 6C 6F 73 74
3D 22 30 22 2F 3E

20 20 3C 72 65 73 6F 75
72 63 65 73 20 73 63 6F 72 65 3D 22 35 30 22 20       -    <resources score="50" gas="0" minerals="50" spent="0"/>
67 61 73 3D 22 30 22 20 6D 69 6E 65 72 61 6C 73
3D 22 35 30 22 20 73 70 65 6E 74 3D 22 30 22 2F 3E

I managed to scrape together this code out of that

        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H8
        InsertDWORD &H1
        InsertDWORD &H1
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertDWORD &H0
        InsertNTString MyName(0)
        InsertNTString MyName(1)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertNonNTString "<map>The Lost Temple</map>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertNonNTString "<race>Protoss</race>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertNonNTString "<time>" & tmrGoal & "</time>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA
        InsertNonNTString "<score overall=" & Chr(34) & "650" & Chr(34) & " units=" & Chr(34) & "200" & Chr(34) & " structures=" & Chr(34) & "400" & Chr(34) & " resources=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA
        InsertNonNTString "<units score=" & Chr(34) & "200" & Chr(34) & " produced=" & Chr(34) & "4" & Chr(34) & " killed=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " lost=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA
        InsertNonNTString "<structures score=" & Chr(34) & "400" & Chr(34) & " constructed=" & Chr(34) & "1" & Chr(34) & " razed=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " lost=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA
        InsertNonNTString "<resources score=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & " gas=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " minerals=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & " spent=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        SendPacket &H2C, 0

''' post leave
        SendPacket &H2, 0

        InsertNTString MyName(0)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        SendPacket &HA, 0

        InsertNonNTString "PXES"
        SendPacket &HB, 0

        InsertDWORD &H2
        InsertNTString "Tazo"
        SendPacket &HC, 0

However, everytime I leave a game I get a disconnection even though I am reporting a win..whats wrong =/


Your missing your 2 spaces after the 0x0A Characters :P

        InsertNonNTString "<map>The Lost Temple</map>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        InsertNonNTString "<race>Protoss</race>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertNonNTString "<time>" & tmrGoal & "</time>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA '"  "
        InsertNonNTString "<score overall=" & Chr(34) & "650" & Chr(34) & " units=" & Chr(34) & "200" & Chr(34) & " structures=" & Chr(34) & "400" & Chr(34) & " resources=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA '"  "
        InsertNonNTString "<units score=" & Chr(34) & "200" & Chr(34) & " produced=" & Chr(34) & "4" & Chr(34) & " killed=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " lost=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA '"  "
        InsertNonNTString "<structures score=" & Chr(34) & "400" & Chr(34) & " constructed=" & Chr(34) & "1" & Chr(34) & " razed=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " lost=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &HA '"  "
        InsertNonNTString "<resources score=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & " gas=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & " minerals=" & Chr(34) & "50" & Chr(34) & " spent=" & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & "/>" & Chr(&HA)
        InsertBYTE &H0
        SendPacket &H2C, 0


I implemented the 2 spaces into both bot's 0x2C packets... Bad news.

When logged on as Tazo#2 and cA.Tazo, only cA.Tazo would get a win, and Tazo#2 would get a disconnection. After logging off the original, making it Tazo and cA.Tazo, both bots won. Is it not possible to win on #2 or #3 or #50 now?! What did blizzard do@@!!!!


Account's identified by multiple #'s still work for me on Warcraft II. I don't see why it would change for Starcraft.


In 0x2C, you send the Account username, not the unique username. That was my problem.. Thanks guys


Quote from: Tazo on January 22, 2006, 09:47 AM
In 0x2C, you send the Account username, not the unique username. That was my problem.. Thanks guys

Well of course, if you spoof your name and play a game and don't reset all the addresses that contain the spoofed name with your REAL name, you won't get the win, same philosophy.