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Anyone know of any good software that's like a editable Planner/Schedule?

Started by Sorc.Polgara, January 18, 2006, 11:11 AM

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Well, I've just finished my first 2 days of the 2nd semester and it looks like there are quite a bit of important dates, projects, labs, exams, clubs, events, etc. that I'll need to keep track of.

In the past I've never really used the notebook-like "Planners" with each day of the week and stuff to keep myself organized. However, I was thinking that since I basically use the computer everyday and check my E-Mail at least twice a day, having a program/software that is like one of these "Planners" might be a good way for me to be a little more organized this semester. Last semester I was pretty disorganized and simply just wrote little temporary notes in a text file for stuff I needed to get done, remember to do, etc. I still made Dean's List and all though.

So back to my main question.

Does any use, know of, or recommend any good software that is used for Planner-Like purposes and might or might not include nifty little features as well? A program with a GUI is preferred...


EDIT:  I forgot to mention that it can either be Freeware or not, however it would be easier to get a copy of it if it is Freeware...


I love Sunbird, made by Mozilla. 

Here's a screenshot: http://www.javaop.com/~iago/sunbird.png

I use it for all my school work and personal stuff, and it's VERY helpful.  It's kept me from failing this term, I've been able to plan assignments out properly and everything! 

Microsoft Outlook has a similar feature, if you can afford the $1000+ to buy Microsoft Office. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on January 18, 2006, 12:37 PM
I love Sunbird, made by Mozilla. 

Here's a screenshot: http://www.javaop.com/~iago/sunbird.png

I use it for all my school work and personal stuff, and it's VERY helpful.  It's kept me from failing this term, I've been able to plan assignments out properly and everything! 

Microsoft Outlook has a similar feature, if you can afford the $1000+ to buy Microsoft Office. 
Sweet, I didn't know Mozilla even had such a program... it's still in development since it's only an alpha release, but so far I've installed it and messed around with some settings and no problems yet! Plus it's free and from Mozilla, makers of FireFox, which is awesome. Now time to fill in dates and events. keke.

Thanks.  This is exactly what I'm looking for.


Yeah, it's alpha, but I've only ever had 2 problems:
1. I tried to set an event that takes place 100 years in the future.  It crashed, but the event was saved, and functioned perfectly like a normal event.
2. I deleted my settings folder without thinking (I wanted to delete firefox and thunderbird, since they were backed up).  Don't delete ".mozilla"!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: