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network printing/file sharing(samba)on solaris...

Started by Nova1313, December 24, 2002, 02:18 PM

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Okay sorta  weird question to whihc i can't find the answer to...
I have a solaris 9 sparc box. I also have a Netgear ps101 for my cheapy laser printer.

The actual print server is seen as a member of a workgroup workgroups on ms boxes. It uses netbui to communicate i believe.

On my solaris box I compiled and got samba running.

I can't however seem to find a way for me to map that print server as a printer.

It has an ip of

I'm not that familiar with samba as I usually dont require interaction between nix and windows. it has a system name of nlpprint and belongs to workgroup novaslp

I'm not sure what other information might be needed.

So if anyone could please explain to me how i might go about doing such a task it woudl be great. I've searched all over and I can't seem to find how i would go about doing it. I'm not even sure if it can be done.

Also I've been looking into mounting a ntfs drive over a network to the solaris box Can't figure that one out either. I however have fat drives mounted across the network too it. the problem is solaris doens't know about ntfs so I guess i'd need something like an ntfs clien that would allow me to browse through them. but there isn't much information availiable. All i found was mounting a nfs drive to a comp with an ntfs parition.

If you could point me in the right direction in either 2 of the situations id be extremely appreciative.


Do you have the option in Solaris to set up a TCPIP printer?  If so, give the printer an IP and set up a print device that way.


the printer has an ip. But i dont see a tcp/ip option anywhere. I was searching through some stuff. I'm almost considering building cups on solaris ( because i think that will support it...) but after the recent problems with that I'm not sure. I only have a local port option. So I need to somehow map the ip to a local lpt1.

Update: After a little snooping i've found a tcp/ip way to connect a printer on solaris im trying it now... Sun's docs can be so unorganized sometimes.