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Packet 0x1C and 0x3C Information

Started by Smurfling, April 24, 2003, 07:41 AM

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LoL took me too long to handle but finally got it accepting &H1C and &H3C (for both, standard and ladder).

So after changing the game status from created to open to started the game should run and i don't get any errors back. I didn't thought about the time you need to stay in game to have no draw yet so i remained ingame for 2 mins. After that i tried sending the report but somehow bnet always bans me  >:(

Does BNet check the report header and text?  I don't know what most values are for, just know the result,users,slots, report header & text. Anyone can help me out there?

   Private Sub GameReport()
       AddChat(Col.Gainsboro, "InGame: ", Col.White, "Sending Game Report")

       Dim po(15) As Object
       po(0) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(1) = &H0
       po(2) = "DWORD"           'Player Slots
       po(3) = &H8
       po(4) = "DWORD"           'Game Result - Here a Win
       po(5) = &H1
       po(6) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(7) = &H0
       po(8) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(9) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(12) = "STRING"           'Users in game
       po(13) = Username
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Whats that for?
       po(11) = &H0
       po(12) = "STRING"           'Report Header
       po(13) = "On map Lost Temple:"
       po(12) = "BYTE"           'Split?
       po(13) = &HA
       po(12) = "BYTE"           'NT?
       po(13) = &H0
       po(12) = "STRING"           'Report header
       po(13) = Username & " was a BdNBot and played for " & MF(GameDuration / 60000) & " minutes."
       po(12) = "BYTE"           'Split?
       po(13) = &HA
       po(12) = "BYTE"           'Split?
       po(13) = &HA
       po(12) = "STRING"           Report text
       po(13) = "BdNBot Likes To Play Battle.Net Games ;)"
       po(14) = "PACKET"
       po(15) = &H2C
       csb.BuildPacket("BNET", po)


It's really easy to figure out, just get into a few games, log the packets, and compare.  

There are some things that you really ought to figure out yourself, and I think this is one of them :-P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


      po(4) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player1
       po(5) = &H1
       po(6) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player2
       po(7) = &H0
       po(8) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player3
       po(9) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player4
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player5
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player6
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player7
       po(11) = &H0
       po(10) = "DWORD"           'Game Result Player8
       po(11) = &H0

Ah think i got the first, 8 DWORD's for the Results of max 8 Players. If there weren't all player slots full the DWORD = &H0