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Telnet problems...

Started by Ender, November 26, 2005, 05:11 PM

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I've been trying to telnet lately and I haven't been able to. I'm using the Windows client, and using the command:

o useast.battle.net 6112

What I get is:

Connecting to useast.battle.net...

And it stays that way for FOREVER. What's interesting is that when I type in an incorrect port, it tells me (after about 2 or so minutes (literally)) "connection to host failed." This seems to imply that the server I am connecting to doesn't support telnet, but I was almost sure that bnet did.

I've tried other supposedly telnet-supported servers, and it doesn't work. I checked out my router settings, and I didn't find anything prohibiting the telnet protocol. I doubt my cable modem would prohibit it. I also tried typing in a bnet ip address for telnet, and that didn't work too, so it's not a DNS problem...

My questions: from reading this, do you see that I'm doing something wrong? If not, can you tell me a telnet-supported server ip/hostname that you have recently connected to via telnet so I can verify that it's not the server, but instead my client or router?


I have tried telnetting from all the computers on my network, so it's not a problem specific to my computer. So it's either the router or the server doesn't support telnet, or (unlikely) the cable modem.


Works for me.  Remember that battle.net requires you to make the first move, and the Windows telnet client sucks at informing you that it's ready to send.  Try hitting 'c' after a bit and see if the server responds with the standard logon challenge.  Also, you could use netstat to check whether the connection went through.  It looks like the battle.net servers aren't answering SYNS on ports other than the ones on which they provide service (i.e. not even a RST comes back).  Thus, after about two minutes, the telnet client gives up and bails out.
[19:20:23] (BotNet) <[vL]Kp> Any idiot can make a bot with CSB, and many do!


Oh, 'c' did work, thanks. I actually had to type 'c' a few times. You're right, windows telnet client really does suck.


I have absolutely no problems with my Telnet client. It works perfectly for me.


You left out the word "Windows" in there. Do you have the Windows client, or are you implying that your client is better? I know that there are better telnet clients, I have programmed some myself. I wanted to become familiar with the Windows client so I could telnet on computers that don't have alternate clients.