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Argh, game scripting

Started by iNsAnE-MS, May 18, 2005, 11:11 AM

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Well, right now I'm in the process of writing a somewhat flexible game engine for my friends and I to create games with (we have cool ideas). Most of it is done but now I'm on the part of writing a scripting engine. Help me guys, it's starting to get crazy! I'm just starting to get into making my scripts multi-threaded to allow for multiple simultanous executions... is this normal?! My game is starting to turn into an entirely new platform... almost like a console... If anyone has any tips or ideas on how to implement powerful scripting in a game I would appreciate it.

Banana fanna fo fanna

I'd say that it's a bad idea to write your own scripting language, since there will likely be limitations, bugs, and a lot of time wasted.

You have several options:
- DLL (or other dynamically loaded code) based plugin system (the easiest route)
- Embed a scripting language like VBScript or JScript via ActiveX scripting (if you're on windows, this is a snap)
- Embed another scripting language (a bit harder, but a pretty cool one is www.python.org and a lot of commercial games use it)


If you want to write your own scripting language, you should check out  spirit, which is part of the boost library.


Well at the moment my scripting engine is basically like machine code/assembly, and then later I was going to create basically a compiler for it. I was hoping for some tips on how to develop the scripting engine not a quick fix for it. :) I'm doing this all from scratch for the hell of it and for knowledge, not just to grab somebody else's plugin. I also have a lot of free time on my hands...  >.>


Few limitations I should hope, and if there are limitations hopefully it's something I can go back and fix. As for bugs... they don't live long, I tend to test write things modularly for my programs and test each procedure after I write it to make sure it produces proper results. And if I learn anything then the time is not wasted. :D


