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QueryBot v1.0

Started by PaiD, October 21, 2005, 11:42 PM

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QueryBot v1.0 is released on cuphead.valhallalegends.com. The documentation is available at http://cuphead.valhallalegends.com/querybot.htm. QueryBot is designed as an information serving bot, so it's likely that most people won't have a use for it, but for clans that need to have things in channel like meeting date/times, who's currently there, etc, it's a workable solution. Read the documentation for more details.

Now, for the more interesting one. CleanSlateBot OCX version 2 will be released in the near future. It includes a good deal of new features including a binary packet builder which allows you to construct your own packets as well as create a handler for them. It also has some new methods, including the abilities to ping servers, get a list of IP addresses from a hostname, and more!  (CupHead[vL])

I remember having this bot long ago but I lost it in format. Well I was hoping some1 else still have this bot from Cuphead. I checked th cuphead.valhallalegends.com but it just says I cant see dir listings.