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Help with weird error

Started by Christ, May 10, 2003, 02:05 PM

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[14:00:33] EternalChat has failed to connect to Battle.net! Address Family is not supported!

I've been getting this alot since i reformatted with mostly all types of bots, can someone help me plz?
I reformatted just today and some bots work, but some dont anyone know how to fix this error, and yes i have installed and regsrv32 all dlls and ocx's :-\

Mesiah / haiseM

thats a socket error, i think it means that your trying to connect to something that doesnt exist all together, try checking your connection, possible firewall settings, and possibly reinstalling your winsock ocx file.
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"Address Family not supported" means AF_INET, the address family used for creating Internet sockets, is not supported - which is pretty weird, considering you are able to connect to the Internet (judging by your having the ability to post this).

Try replacing the Winsock OCX?