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Request for Packet References

Started by Chriso, September 26, 2005, 12:53 AM

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Hey I would normally use Arta's bnetdocs for the packet references of these packets, but since its down...
I need to get the SID_GETLADDERDATA C=>S/S=>C packet reference and SID_GETADVLISTEX C=>S/S=>C packet reference. I have searched this entire forum and come up with nothing of real use. If anyone can can get these for me I'd appreciate it greatly. Also how long is bnetdocs going to be down for?


QuoteMessage ID:     0x2E
Direction:    Client -> Server (Sent)
Used By:    Starcraft, Starcraft Broodwar, Warcraft II

Hint: Field names highlighted in blue will display a definition if you hover over the text.    

(DWORD)       Product ID
(DWORD)       League
(DWORD)       Sort method
(DWORD)       Starting rank
(DWORD)       Number of ranks to list

Remarks:    Requests ladder listing.

Sort methods:
0x00: Highest rating
0x01: Unused
0x02: Most wins on record
0x03: Most games played

Message ID:     0x2E
Direction:    Server -> Client (Received)
Used By:    Starcraft Shareware, Starcraft, Starcraft Broodwar, Warcraft II

Hint: Field names highlighted in blue will display a definition if you hover over the text.    

(DWORD)       Ladder type
(DWORD)       League
(DWORD)       Sort method
(DWORD)       Starting rank
(DWORD)       Number of ranks listed (Count of items in list)

For each list item:
(DWORD)       Wins
(DWORD)       Losses
(DWORD)       Disconnects
(DWORD)       Rating
(DWORD)       Rank
(DWORD)       Official wins
(DWORD)       Official losses
(DWORD)       Official disconnects
(DWORD)       Official rating
(DWORD)       Unknown
(DWORD)       Official rank
(DWORD)       Unknown
(DWORD)       Unknown
(DWORD)       Highest rating
(DWORD)       Unknown
(DWORD)       Season
(FILETIME)    Last game time
(FILETIME)    Official last game time
(STRING)     Name

Remarks:    Contains ladder rankings.

Thats all I have...
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No