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.xxx TLD

Started by Arta, August 17, 2005, 09:28 AM

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QuoteIf there's a rational, sensible, measured argument against creating a .xxx TLD, I'd like to hear it.


QuoteThere already is a law prohibiting them from selling hardcore porn on the Internet-anywhere on the Internet- yet they have been doing if for years.

Is there actually a law against selling pornography on the Internet?


Not that I'm aware of.

The Family Research Council looks like one of those quasi-political-right-wing-religious-conservative organisations though. Their motto makes me laugh: "Defending Family, Faith, and Freedom", which, according to their misson page, should probably be: "Defending family (unless you're gay), faith (unless you're muslim), and freedom (unless you want an abortion)"

But nevermind. Must stay on topic :)


It makes it easier to filter out porn sites.  Parents, corporations, schools, and other large bodies can simply deny access to .xxx, and eliminate all the sites listed there. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Seems like a good idea to me.  The FRC seems to be arguing that porn is bad, and that solutions for it that blatantly identify porn for users is worse when in fact it seems to be better as you can now avoid it.  People who want to watch porn are going to do so with or without the link, but those who do not would now be able to identify and avoid.  It would also help email spam filters filter out porn, and make it easier for government legislation to track and enforce rules on pornography if it is all labeled and restricted to one TLD.


They were completely against .xxx TLD's two years ago, but suddenly they want to add it?

bleh, politics.


QuoteIf there's a rational, sensible, measured argument against creating a .xxx TLD, I'd like to hear it.

I don't really have an arguement against it, but I'd like to hear a decent arguement for it. Switching to it is going to be voluntary and the kind of people who send out spam and use popups and other underhanded methods to trick people into going to their site aren't going to switch to a domain that can be easily blocked. The domain names are going to be much more expensive than a normal .com and the only incentive that the sites are going to have to get them is to keep people from leeching traffic, if someone took like playboy.xxx for example. If they somehow tried to force porn sites to use it, well different countries have different laws, good luck. It just seems like a waste of time and money.


What I would like to see, not that it's going to happen, is for the .com/net/org registries to force a move to .xxx for adult content domains.  Not only would it provide a means of filtering adult content for individuals/institutions, but it would open up a whole slew of domain names that would not otherwise be available.  Admittedly, some of them would never be used by a normal individual, but the pornography industry also holds a great number of normal domains that people might like to get their hands on.  .xxx could be a great thing for everyone except pornographers.


As a tool, it can be used for both good and malicious uses. You just have to hope that the good will potentially outweigh the bad.


I don't see anything wrong with .xxx
in fact, you could argue that there is no difference to a porn website (which usually has a porn name) with any other extension, and any porn site with a .xxx extension.
Furthermore, if international laws were passed to require porn industries to use .xxx, then it would be easier to filter porn.


Again, Arta, you're distorting freedom to mean "Do whatever you want whenever you want for whatever reason you want no matter whom or what it might violate the rights of."

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on August 19, 2005, 12:57 PM
Again, Arta, you're distorting freedom to mean "Do whatever you want whenever you want for whatever reason you want no matter whom or what it might violate the rights of."
Since gay marriage, islam, and abortions violate your rights...

I don't see why anyone cares if there is a .xxx domain.  Not like ICann gives a fuck what the backward ass cousin fuckers of the 'save the family campaigns' think.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Can you honestly see any porn company changing to the .xxx domain? Why would they want to spend more money for something that will provide less benefit because it will be filtered by everything?

Its a nice idea but at the end of the day its a waste of resources because theres no incentive to use it. Its like telling spammers they all have to use a .spam TLD so that they may be filtered. Good luck getting that to happen too.
"Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world make talk of hereafter."
- Admiral Lord Collingwood


To an extent it is helpful to the porn industry.  It is opening up a whole new set of porn domains.  Plenty of adults look at internet porn, and they are the only ones that actually subscribe to it so it isn't like they are loosing a huge market by also using a .xxx domain.  Think of the amount of money the owner of porn.xxx will make.  Even if it is just a site with advertisments on it.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself