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D2GS Connection (Patch) Help

Started by Elneroth, August 07, 2005, 06:30 PM

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It's been a while since I've coded D2GS, but I've decided to come back after the patch.

I noticed that I'm no longer receiving 0xAE on connection, instead i'm getting 0xAF:
AF 01

*Edit*: I read around and I guess people are saying that you have to preform a checksum now and.. send it back in a 0x66?
If this is true, has there been any research on it?

Also, I'm confused about WPE Pro. It no longer shows an updated, non-modified Diablo II client on the list.

Any help will be appreciated, Thanks


I posted about the 0xAE and 0x66 packets in the "D2GS Packet Research" thread. It's complex hack-detection, not a checksum.

Diablo II is now a windows service, I hear, so WPE can't attach to it easily. There are tricks you can do to work around this, but I don't recommend using non-transparent packet senders/sniffers for safety reasons. Although it's unlikely that Blizzard would care about it, they could detect WPE now if they chose to.