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Computer acting up

Started by Mitosis, July 14, 2005, 10:37 AM

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Hey everyone,

Recently I have noticed my computer acting slower than usual, so I decided to defrag, check for spyware, etc. But my system is still running on the sluggish side, and I'm not sure why. Programs are loading really slow, then they work smoothly but sort of freeze. Maybe is my RAM going or something? Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Well im not sure if this is an option for you but what I do is have all my main things I want on an external Hard Drive, 2nd hard drive will work as well. and then I just zap my comp about once a month. So I keep everything I like to have like music files ect.. But still   
keep my comp at top performance.


I agree with hierholzer. I don't format once a month, more like once or twice a year, but an external will definitely save you time (and possibly data...as I've forgotten to backup stuff before onto a CD) in the event that you do have to format.

I did, however, accidentally format my external instead of my internal one time when attempting to reinstall Windows. This method is, obviously, not full proof. =)

JTN Designer

Quote from: Mangix on July 14, 2005, 02:16 PM
or you have spyware.


Quote from: Mitosis on July 14, 2005, 10:37 AM

Recently I have noticed my computer acting slower than usual, so I decided to defrag, check for spyware, etc.
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Yeah, formatting a couple times a year, or when performance starts to suck, is usually a good idea. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I got 3 years without formatting with this computer :).
I'm not an Addict.