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SetWindowText Help

Started by Spilled, June 16, 2005, 03:33 PM

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            case WM_KEYDOWN:
                   if ((int) wParam == 13)
                         int windowLength = GetWindowTextLength(SendBar);
                         char wt[windowLength + 1];
                         GetWindowText(SendBar, wt, sizeof(wt));
                         int wtl2 = GetWindowTextLength(TextBox);
                         char wt2[wtl2 + 1];
                         GetWindowText(TextBox, wt2, sizeof(wt2));
                         int len;
                         char wt3[windowLength + wtl2];
                         wt[windowLength] = '\n';
                         CopyMemory(wt3, wt2, wtl2);
                         //wt3[2] = '\n';
                         for(int i=0;i<windowLength + 1;i++)
                           wt3[i + wtl2] = wt[i];
                      SetWindowText(TextBox, wt3);
                      //SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, WPARAM(13), LPARAM(0));
                      SetWindowText(SendBar, NULL);

Ok, sloppy coding i know but im new to c++ no flaming plz. What im trying to do is take the text from a SendBar and add it to the chat text box and have add the text from the sendbar on a new line. i can get it to add it to the chat but not on a new line so all help is appreciated. (WM_KEYDOWN SubClassed)
Thanks in advance.