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Started by Unknown, April 29, 2003, 09:01 AM

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I'm just now learning the new way of loging into bnet, I quit SC for a long time but now I got more free time again. When sending the checkrevision (0x51), do you also send the cdkey info within the same packet? If so, could someone show me their "Case 0x50/&H50" code to help me out a little? If you can't tell by the Case statement, I'm doing this in VB. The Client is also working off of SEXP.


From what I can tell your asking for source code, which isn't the best idea.  I can give you a few links to look into that will hopfully give you enough of an idea of how to build and parse them yourself that you don't need anyone elses source code [not to mention you feel alot better about what you have accomplished if you write it yourself].

Short explaination of WORDs, DWORDs, and things of the like:

Documentation of SID_AUTH_INFO [0x50] and SID_AUTH_CHECK [0x51] including the server responses, you will need to create an account for this one:

In many people's opinion if you don't already know the first link then you shouldn't be programming binary bots, or just programming at all, so perhaps you should learn those for future discussions if you don't already know them.  This is a really crappy post, oh well, I need a cup of coffee.


Thanks a lot. I was asking for source expecting more ppl to offer that than to offer real help. If anyone else has any other links or documentation that could help me, I'm willing to read/learn.


Quote from: Unknown on April 29, 2003, 02:15 PMThanks a lot. I was asking for source expecting more ppl to offer that than to offer real help.
Just FYI, you'll get a mixed response asking for source code, especially for relatively simple stuff.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



People would rather help than give source, but it looks even better if there is some evidence that you tried to do it yourself :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: