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Calculator (PHP)

Started by Corrupt, May 05, 2005, 09:00 PM

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Hello, Today I tried to right my frist PHP script a calculator, the adding workings but nothing else does. :-/ this is my code.


<title>Calculation Form</title>
<FORM method="POST" ACTION="calculate.php">
<p>Value 1: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="val1" SIZE=10></P>
<p>Value 2: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="val2" SIZE=10></p>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="calc" VALUE="add"> add<br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="calc" VALUE="subtract"> subtract<br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="calc" VALUE="multiply"> multiply<br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="calc" VALUE="divide"> divide</P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE=Calculate"></P>

This is my PHP script:

if (($_POST[val1] == "") || ($_POST[val2] == "") || ($_POST[calc] =="")) {
header("location: http://www.korrupted.org/calculate_form.html");
if ($_POST[calc] == "add") {
      $result = $_POST[val1] + $_POST[val2];
} else if ($POST[calc] == "subtract") {
      $result = $_POST[val1] - $_POST[val2];
} else if ($POST[calc] == "multiply") {
      $result = $_POST[val1] * $_POST[val2];
} else if ($POST[calc] == "divide") {
      $result = $_POST[val1] / $_POST[val2];
<TITLE>Calculation Results</Title>
<P>The result of the calculation is: <? echo "$result"; ?></P>

Banana fanna fo fanna

that shouldnt work at all...you want quotes around the itmes in [].


Really? I'm reading a "beginners book" and they pretty much give you the code :-/ hrm let me try that.

EDIT: Yea I tried that just now still didn't work :-/ like add works but the other ones just show The result of the calculation is: and no number :-/


You should use [.code][/.code] blocks. No dots. Doesn't PHP have a Val() function?
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


after talking with warrior on aim lol, I was doing $POST insead of $_POST lol :-/ this is new code for the PHP script

if (($_POST['val1'] == "") || ($_POST['val2'] == "") || ($_POST['calc'] == "")) {
header("location: http://www.korrupted.org/calculate_form.html");
if ($_POST['calc'] == "add") {
      $result = $_POST['val1'] + $_POST['val2'];
} else if ($_POST['calc'] == "subtract") {
      $result = $_POST['val1'] - $_POST['val2'];
} else if ($_POST['calc'] == "multiply") {
      $result = $_POST['val1'] * $_POST['val2'];
} else if ($_POST[calc] == "divide") {
      $result = $_POST['val1'] / $_POST['val2'];
<TITLE>Calculation Results</Title>
<P>The result of the calculation is: <? echo "$result"; ?></P>


Warrior R 1337: I found your error
Warrior R 1337: You're doing
Warrior R 1337: $POST
Warrior R 1337: for everything else
Warrior R 1337: it should be
Warrior R 1337: $_POST
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


I'm not sure if it matters now, but I fixed your code and uploaded it for example. http://www.bunkmedia.net/public_img/calc

PHP Code

if (($_POST['val1'] == "") || ($_POST['val2'] == "") || ($_POST['calc'] == "")) { 
header("location: http://www.bunkmedia.net/public_img/calc/index.html"); 

if (
$_POST['calc'] == "add") { 
$result $_POST['val1'] + $_POST['val2']; 
  } else if (
$_POST['calc'] == "subtract") { 
$result $_POST['val1'] - $_POST['val2']; 
  } else if (
$_POST['calc'] == "multiply") { 
$result $_POST['val1'] * $_POST['val2']; 
  } else if (
$_POST['calc'] == "divide") { 
$result $_POST['val1'] / $_POST['val2']; 
Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 14, 2006, 04:57 PM
Well, I want some too. Greedy Yoni should stop hogging it.


This can and should be done in JS...

But anywa, how about this:
<form method=post action=thephppage.php>
<input type=text name=calc><input type=submit>

echo eval($_POST['calc'])

Although that does leave a huge security hole, it would be more practical as you can now type in stuff like 1+2/3*4


He wants to learn PHP, yet you give him code without explaining it and say to use JS.  Please go die.


I don't see any JS rabbit...
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No