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World of Warcraft - Chat Print

Started by TheMinistered, December 31, 2004, 09:57 PM

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I've located a nice function for printing to the chat

The definition for the function is as follows:

void __fastcall ChatPrint(char* Text, unsigned long Color, DWORD unknown1, DWORD unknown2, DWORD unknown3, DWORD unknown4, DWORD unknown5);

I am unsure why it uses so many parameters because everytime I see it called it uses 0 for each parameter.

The offset for this function is: 004A4560

void ChatPrint(char* Text, unsigned long Color)
LPVOID ptrChatPrint = (LPVOID)0x004A4560;

mov ecx, Text
mov edx, Color
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
mov eax, ptrChatPrint
call eax

I will post the color codes as I figure them out!


Hah, nice.  You're a lunatic. :p


Perhaps the unknowns have something to do with string formatting?