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still having 0x72 problems

Started by Vague, May 07, 2005, 01:23 PM

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This is for parsing 0x72

Function Parse0x72(ByVal Data As String)
Dim s As String
On Error GoTo Err

  Data = Mid$(Data, 9)
  'token is just gettickcount (so this parses past the token)

  inviteString(0) = Left$(Data, 4)
  'sets clan tag

  s = Replace(inviteString(0), Chr(0), "")
  'replaces chr 0 for display and comparison on auto accept

  Data = Mid$(Data, 5)

  inviteString(1) = Left$(Data, InStr(Data, Chr$(0)) - 1)
  'sets clan name
  AddC vbYellow, inviteString(1) 'for debugging

  Data = Mid$(Data, InStr(Data, Chr$(0)) + 1)

  inviteString(2) = Left$(Data, InStr(Data, Chr$(0)) - 1)
  'user initiating the invite

  AddC &H80&, "| ", &H40C0&, "Clan Start Invite: ", vbYellow, "( ", vbGreen, s & " -BY- " & inviteString(2), vbYellow, " )  -  /Create -OR- /Ignore"

'some auto accepting code has been removed, it works fine and is not needed for the example.

End Function

This is for sending the accept

  PBuffer.InsertDWORD GetTickCount
  PBuffer.InsertDWORD PBuffer.GetDWORD(inviteString(0))
  PBuffer.InsertNTString inviteString(1)
  PBuffer.InsertBYTE &H6
  PBuffer.sendPacket &H72
  inviteString(0) = "" 'so packet cant be sent twice if the user tries to do so

I've tried plenty of things, looked over the specs plenty of times. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, all the other packets work fine.