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Friend-list bot - ICQ/MSN/... Messaging - creating account

Started by Mackila, April 26, 2003, 07:04 AM

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1°) I just found this forum, it looks great (
* Mackila adds to favourites ), too bad I cant get the http://botdev.valhallalegends.com/ page... :(

2°) I created a Battle.net bot plugin for the free open source internet messenger program Miranda ( http://www.miranda-im.org/ )
I use a self modified Blizzard C++ bnet bot class to connect to battle.net and forward ICQ/MSN message there.
I also use the bot friends list to display friend status in Miranda (image : http://manson.mathieu.free.fr/images/screen2.gif )
My plugin can be found here : http://miranda-im.org/download/details.php?action=viewfile&id=583

3°) Could you explain me/ give me docs about how to create an account without using Starcraft/Warcraft2/Diablo2, how to set user details (description, location, ...)
I know these informations must be on the http://botdev.valhallalegends.com/ site, but I cant reach it.

Thanks for help. Mackila



VL and all [most] of its subs have been down....Dunno why...Maybe that sprint thing is down again? No idea...



Viva La France.

Welcome, Mackila, even if your government are pussies.  :P