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[VB]Handling 0x09

Started by l)ragon, December 15, 2002, 11:58 PM

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Public Function P09(Data09 As String)
Dim strPacketHead As String
Dim intNumberOfGames As Long
Dim strDataToBeParsed As String
Dim intPort As Integer
Dim strIP As String
Dim strGameName As String
Dim strGameDiscription As String
Dim strMapStatstring As String
Dim strGameCreatorName As String
Dim strMapName As String
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strSplitDlm As String
Dim varGameData As Variant
Dim strOutput As String
Dim strTempData As String

   strPacketHead = Mid(Data09, 1, 8)
   intNumberOfGames = MakeLong(Mid(strPacketHead, 5, 4))
   If intNumberOfGames = 0 Then Exit Function
   strDataToBeParsed = Mid(Data09, 9, Len(Data09))
   strSplitDlm = Chr(&HD) & Chr(&H0)
   varGameData = Split(strDataToBeParsed, strSplitDlm)
   For intLoop = 0 To intNumberOfGames - 1
       strTempData = Mid(varGameData(intLoop), 11, Len(varGameData(intLoop)))
       intPort = (Asc(Mid(strTempData, 1, 1)) * (2 ^ 8)) + Asc(Mid(strTempData, 2, 1))
       strTempData = Mid(strTempData, 3, Len(strTempData))
       strIP = Asc(Mid(strTempData, 1, 1)) & "." & _
               Asc(Mid(strTempData, 2, 1)) & "." & _
               Asc(Mid(strTempData, 3, 1)) & "." & _
               Asc(Mid(strTempData, 4, 1))
       strTempData = Mid(strTempData, 21, Len(strTempData))
       strGameName = KillDlm(strTempData, Chr(&H0))
       strTempData = Mid(strTempData, Len(strGameName) + 1, Len(strTempData))
       strGameDiscription = KillDlm(strTempData, Chr(&H0))
       strTempData = StrReverse(Mid(strTempData, Len(strGameDiscription) + 1, Len(strTempData)))
       If strGameDiscription = "" Then strGameDiscription = "None"
       strMapName = StrReverse(KillDlm(strTempData, Chr(&HD)))
       strGameCreatorName = KillDlm(StrReverse(KillDlm(Mid(strTempData, Len(strMapName) + 1, Len(strTempData)), ",")), Chr(&HD))
       strMapStatstring = StrReverse(KillDlm(Mid(strTempData, Len(strMapName) + Len(strGameCreatorName) + 2, Len(strTempData)), Chr(&H0)))
       strOutput = strOutput & "Game (" & (intLoop + 1) & ")" & vbCrLf & _
                   "GameName: " & strGameName & vbCrLf & _
                   "MapName: " & strMapName & vbCrLf & _
                   "Discription: " & strGameDiscription & vbCrLf & _
                   "Statstring: " & ParseMapStats(strMapStatstring) & vbCrLf & _
                   "CreatorInfo: " & strGameCreatorName & " (" & strIP & ":" & intPort & ")" & vbCrLf
       strTempData = ""
   Next intLoop
   rtbAdd vbYellow, strOutput
End Function

Private Function KillDlm(ByVal text As String, ByVal dlm As String) As String
   Dim i As Integer
   i = InStr(1, text, dlm)
   If i = 0 Then
       KillDlm = text
       Exit Function
   End If
   KillDlm = Left(text, i - 1)
End Function

Private Function MakeLong(X As String) As Long
   If Len(X) < 4 Then
       Exit Function
   End If
   CopyMemory MakeLong, ByVal X, 4
End Function



Public Function ParseMapStats(ByVal strStats As String) As String
Dim strMapSize As String
Dim strGameType As String
Dim strGameSpeed As String
Dim strPenalty As String
Dim strIcon As String
Dim varSplit As Variant
    varSplit = Split(strStats, ",")

    strMapSize = "Mapsize: " & (Mid(varSplit(1), 1, 1) * 32) & "x" & (Mid(varSplit(1), 2, 1) * 32) & vbCrLf
    strGameSpeed = "Speed: " & GameSpeed(varSplit(3)) & vbCrLf
    strIcon = "Icon: " & MapIcon(varSplit(4)) & vbCrLf
    strGameType = "Gametype: " & Gametype(varSplit(5)) & vbCrLf
    strPenalty = "Rules: " & GamePenalty(varSplit(7)) & vbCrLf
    ParseMapStats = vbTab & strMapSize & _
                    vbTab & strGameSpeed & _
                    vbTab & strIcon & _
                    vbTab & strGameType & _
                    vbTab & strPenalty
End Function
Public Function MapIcon(ByVal strCase As String) As String
    Select Case strCase
        Case "1":   MapIcon = "Blizzard Approved"
        Case "2":   MapIcon = "Ladder"
        Case "3":   MapIcon = "GF"
        Case "4":   MapIcon = "KBK"
        Case Else:  MapIcon = "None"
    End Select
End Function
Public Function GamePenalty(ByVal strCase As String) As String
    Select Case strCase
        Case "2":   GamePenalty = "Dissconnect is a Loss"
        Case "4":   GamePenalty = "1 Team Victory only"
        Case Else:  GamePenalty = "No rules"
    End Select
End Function
Public Function GameSpeed(ByVal strCase As String) As String
    Select Case strCase
        Case "0":   GameSpeed = "Slowest"
        Case "1":   GameSpeed = "Slower"
        Case "2":   GameSpeed = "Slow"
        Case "3":   GameSpeed = "Normal"
        Case "4":   GameSpeed = "Fast"
        Case "5":   GameSpeed = "Faster"
        Case "6":   GameSpeed = "Fastest"
        Case Else:  GameSpeed = "Default"
    End Select
End Function
Public Function Gametype(ByVal strCase As String) As String
    Select Case strCase
        'Case "0":   GameType = "?"
        'Case "1":   GameType = "?"
        Case "2":   Gametype = "Melee"
        Case "3":   Gametype = "Free For All"
        Case "4":   Gametype = "One on One"
        Case "5":   Gametype = "Capture the Flag"
        Case "6":   Gametype = "Greed"
        Case "7":   Gametype = "Slaughter"
        Case "8":   Gametype = "Sudden Death"
        Case "9":   Gametype = "Ladder"
        Case "a":   Gametype = "Use Map Settings"
        Case "b":   Gametype = "Team Melee"
        Case "c":   Gametype = "Team Free For All"
        Case "d":   Gametype = "Team Capture the Flag"
        'Case "e":   GameType = "?"
        Case "f":   Gametype = "Top vs. Bottom"
        Case Else:  Gametype = "Unknowen Game Type (" & strCase & ")"
    End Select
End Function

Fig 0.2

Game (1)
GameName: 3v3 bring it
MapName: •Fa§te§t Po§§ible Map• Green
Discription: None
   Mapsize: 128x128
   Speed: Fastest
   Icon: None
   Gametype: Top vs.Bottom
   Rules: 1 Team Victory only
CreatorInfo: can_of_zs (
Game (2)
GameName: 3vs3 comp kill terran
MapName: THË WØR£Ð§ FŧTʧT 6 GµÑ
Discription: None
   Mapsize: 128x128
   Speed: Fastest
   Icon: None
   Gametype: Top vs.Bottom
   Rules: 1 Team Victory only
CreatorInfo: XRodimusX[DA] (
Game (3)
GameName: 2v2 bgh NO LAGGERS ~
MapName: Big Game Hunters
Discription: None
   Mapsize: 128x128
   Speed: Fastest
   Icon: Blizzard Approved
   Gametype: Top vs.Bottom
   Rules: 1 Team Victory only
CreatorInfo: weiweiwei (
Game (4)
GameName: comperstomper
MapName: Fa§te§t Po§§ible Map Ever
Discription: None
   Mapsize: 128x128
   Speed: Fastest
   Icon: None
   Gametype: Top vs.Bottom
   Rules: No rules
CreatorInfo: hiilikeeggs (

Fig 0.2 - Output from starcraft

Note: When I get some time, I will fix this up for Diablo II aswell, and maybe even Diablo 1.
Note #2: If you want to understand it look over it carefully read the damn thing line for line.
Note #3: This function as is assumes that you are sending it the entire packet this means the packet header + packet length + the rest.

Change - 11/15/04
fixed an overflow problem.
Change - 03/03/05
Finaly got around to putting up this crude map parser
removed fig 0.1 (reason: obsolete)

Any comments direct them to PM's as this is a dead topic and for referance only, and will be requested locked when ever I finaly finnish it ;p
