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Interesting computer

Started by Etheran, April 12, 2003, 06:34 PM

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they have one of those types of computers at my coop placement. Except it doesnt have the black light..


Yeah, those are pretty common.. I've never seen a person with one, but I've seen plenty at the store.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


This is the first time I've seen anything like that.. heh


In 1990, I visited my friend who, at the time, was working for Compaq Research and Development in Houston, TX.  He gave me a tour of the plant.  In the office next to his was another engineer's setup.  The motherboard and all the add-on boards were mounted to the wall in front of his desk.  They were connected via ribbon cables instead of inserted directly in the slots.  It was a Compaq SystemPro 386, iirc.  No case at all.


My friend was telling me about this guy that couldn't afford to ship his computer case to a lan so set everything up on a matt.  Wish I could see something like that :)


Don't forget Invert's TubPC (R.I.P.), and what about this?


My TubPC was > *

I still have all the pics, when i get my site up and running I will have them in the Projects section :)