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broadband modem/router/gateway

Started by tA-Kane, January 23, 2005, 04:41 PM

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I have a DSL connection that IMO is really eww. I need to run VPN for work, it says it supports VPN, but anytime I try to get my work's software to connect through it, it fails. I think it's the gateway that I'm connected with, a 2Wire HomePortal 1000SW. I bought a router that my work says will work with their VPN, but I'm not totally sure that it's all about that. I asked work about it, but they say they're not going to assist me in setting it up, they only know that the router works on their own home systems (wtf you punk-ass dorks  :P)

Will this work behind NAT? I don't think it will, I think it needs to have direct access to the internet, but I don't think my DSL gateway will allow that. Back in California, I had a different setup; the DSL modem back there didn't do jack shit... it simply acted like a DSL-ethernet bridge, and anything connected to the modem was directly connected to the internet... to get something behind NAT, I had to install a router and put things behind that.

Kind of a *real* pain in the ass. I wish my DSL company would have sent me a *real* man's dsl modem, not a dsl gateway for the fucking newbies.  :(

Alternately, I think I could get this set up correctly if I could get another DSL modem like the one in California, but I don't remember the brand/model that I had back in there...  :(
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Well, for anyone who cares, I'll be upgrading my DSL service in 1 week, and with it, I'll be getting a new DSL modem as well as a block of 8 static IPs. Hopefully this'll allow for much better VPN support...
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?



You probably have to forward some IP protocol to the internal machine connecting to a VPN.