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[VB.NET]Passing a RTB as a Paramater

Started by BaDDBLooD, January 16, 2005, 03:10 PM

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I have a Procedure in a module called Functions

The function is:

    Public Sub AddChat(ByRef RichTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox, ByVal ParamArray Text() As Object)
       With RichTextBox
            .SelectionStart = 99999999
            .SelectionLength = 0
            .SelectionColor = Color.White
            .SelectedText = "[" & TimeOfDay & "] "
            .SelectionLength = 0
        End With
        For I As Byte = LBound(Text) To UBound(Text) Step 2
            With RichTextBox
                .SelectionStart = 99999999
                .SelectionLength = 0
                .SelectionColor = Text(I)
                .SelectedText = Text(I + 1) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(vbCrLf, -2 * CLng((I + 1) = UBound(Text)))
                .SelectionStart = 99999999
            End With
    End Function

When i try and use this procedure, i can't reference my Rich Text Box

This is where i call it:

    Public Function Connect(ByVal server As String, ByVal port As Integer) As Boolean
        Dim hostEntry As IPHostEntry = Nothing

        hostEntry = Dns.Resolve(server)

        Dim address As IPAddress

        For Each address In hostEntry.AddressList
            Dim endPoint As New IPEndPoint(address, port)
            Dim tempSocket As New Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
            Catch Err As SocketException
                AddChat(rtbChat, Color.Red, "Error #: " & Err.ErrorCode & ", " & Err.Message)
            End Try
            If tempSocket.Connected Then
                Socket = tempSocket
                Exit For
            End If
        Next address
        Return True
    End Function

RichTextBox is underlined in blue, with the error "Name 'rtbChat' is not declared.

Why do i get this?  Any help would be GREATLY apreciated

EDIT: Are there better ways to do these functions, if so please leave opinions.
There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.


999999999??                .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
My guess is your problem is from how you referanced the richtextbox.
    Public Sub RTBAdd(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox, ByVal ParamArray saElements() As Object)
        Dim i As Integer
        'If Client.GUI.Switches.TimestampsOn Then
        'End If
        For i = LBound(saElements) To UBound(saElements) Step 2
            With rtb
                .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
                .SelectionLength = 0
                .SelectionColor = saElements(i)
                .SelectedText = saElements(i + 1)
                .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
            End With
        Next i
    End Sub

edit: or rtbChat is not the name of your rtb?


I guess your function is not within the form your rtbChat richtextbox is on, but if you want to reference through AddChat(rtbChat,....) it has to ;)

I would recommend you 2 things:
first would be to create an interface through which you can write your output to the richtextbox.

second (not that smooth, you will get exception errors if you try to write output in a pretty fast interval):

in your module above the rtbadd sub add the line
Public OutputRTB As RichtTextBox

then change your rtbadd to:

Public Sub AddChat(ByVal ParamArray Text() As Object)
       With OutputRTB
            .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
            .SelectionLength = 0
            .SelectionColor = Color.White
            .SelectedText = "[" & TimeOfDay & "] "
            .SelectionLength = 0
        End With
        For I As Byte = LBound(Text) To UBound(Text) Step 2
            With OutputRTB
                .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
                .SelectionLength = 0
                .SelectionColor = Text(I)
                .SelectedText = Text(I + 1) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(vbCrLf, -2 * CLng((I + 1) = UBound(Text)))
                .SelectionStart = .Text.Length
            End With
    End Function

Last thing you need to do is within the sub "Form_Load()" where your richtextbox resides. Add following code:
OutputRTB = Me.rtbChat

if you want to add alot of output you will want to choose the first one. Hope that helps

Edit: I am not at home so i cant give you my interface example here but one more thing to the second option: You could make it a little more better by defining a boolean which is set to true when you already writing to the rtb. if its true and the function is called write a loop or a thread to wait until the boolean is false again so it is safe to write again. But as i already said: this is not the way output should be written to the rtb, use a interface. soon as i am home ill try to give you a hint ;)