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Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Find result of game in sta...
Last post by MyndFyre - March 05, 2012, 07:45 PM
Quote from: vodkahn on March 05, 2012, 03:59 AM
Can you show me how to emulate the game?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Find result of game in sta...
Last post by vodkahn - March 05, 2012, 03:59 AM
Quote from: MyndFyre on March 05, 2012, 02:54 AM
In order to do so, you would actually need to emulate the game.  The winner is determined based on the state of the game, not by network traffic or replay storage.
Can you show me how to emulate the game?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Find result of game in sta...
Last post by MyndFyre - March 05, 2012, 02:54 AM
In order to do so, you would actually need to emulate the game.  The winner is determined based on the state of the game, not by network traffic or replay storage.
Battle.net Bot Development / Find result of game in starcra...
Last post by vodkahn - March 05, 2012, 01:35 AM
Hi everybody,
I've a question in starcraft. I want to know when a game is end, the current player is victory or defeat. I've use SCGP( starcraft game protocol) to find the packet Quit game, but in multiplayers, example (2-2, 3-3, 4-4), in win teams, when a win player quit, it still send packet Quit game( command 0x0B), so I don't know he's winer or loser. Please help me!!

Thanks in advance,
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Sup everyone
Last post by InVersE - March 04, 2012, 10:48 AM
just out of slight curiosity. if i were the guy you're talking about, why would i even consider posting on the forum? i've been a part of {][)K} for years. that's kind of what you would label as a "Captain Obvious Biography". not only was it pointless due to you not using your noggin, but now we are all now dumber for reading it. thanks, though. :-)

oh, and i'll make sure to clear my schedule for your most awesomeness goku clan as soon as Blizzard hops right on that whole telnet bit.

lol, retarded.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: [ruby] socket.print 6113
Last post by i8igmac - February 21, 2012, 10:33 PM
Ok, that was easy, here is some example code... i took a shortcut for my project... im running a tcpdump or tcpick and filtering out the ip with this code

#gather ip for all servers
for i in 1..100000
data=IO.popen("tcpick -i wlan0 -yx 'port 6112'")
while line=data.gets
for x in line.split
if x.length==4
sleep 1

#create a list
for i in 1..100000

for x in s.scan(/400000.............../)
ip_list<<x[13..14].to_i(16).to_s+"."+x[15..16].to_i(16).to_s+"."+x[17..18].to_i(16).to_s+"."+x[19..20].to_i(16).to_s+" "+x[9..12].to_i(16).to_s+"\n"
#print ip_list.to_a.uniq
puts "              IP LIST---#{ip_list.to_a.uniq.length}----"
puts "\n"
sleep 1

So, im searching threw the documents, im looking for a way to handle a ping request from a public wc3 game... i only find udp ping request from battlenet servers, is that the samething?

im watching tcpdump, i dont even know what byte im looking for that starts the ping request... this ping request is coming from a ghost++ bot hoxsting a public ladder game...
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: [ruby] socket.print 6113
Last post by MysT_DooM - February 15, 2012, 05:36 PM
Quote from: i8igmac on February 14, 2012, 10:37 PM
Im going to wake up my old thread with a few new questions... Wc3

first, im watching tcp dump and i see a public list of wc3 games i can join... how can i pull ip and port address from this packet?

Here is the reference: http://bnetdocs.org/?op=packet&pid=266. 
How to pull it? What I do is I parse the incoming 0x09 data by looping 20 times (#of games incoming from bnet) for each game, each loop starting at a different offset based off the previous length of gamedata. 

So for example, the first two games would break down like this

Port:17 e7 IP:d4 e0 7d 8e
Code (Port:17e7 IP:d4e07d8e) Select

0x0000    ff09 600c 1400 0000 0120 4800 0904 0000 ..`.......H.....
0x0010    0200 17e7 d4e0 7d8e 0000 0000 0000 0000 ......}.........
0x0020    1000 0000 0000 0000 4857 4920 5b43 4c41 ........HWI.[CLA
0x0030    4e20 4550 5750 5d20 2023 3134 3139 3900 N.EPWP]..#14199.
0x0040    0062 3737 3733 3030 3033 4103 4907 0101 .b77730003A.I...
0x0050    5b01 eb4b 010f 293f 176d cb61 7173 5d65 [..K..)?.m.aqs]e
0x0060    6f77 196f 6d6f 6165 5d49 6b65 736f 2157 ow.omoae]Ikeso!W
0x0070    6173 bb73 2149 6365 6d61 096f 6573 2177 as.s!Icema.oes!w
0x0080    332f 7133 312f 7733 6d01 eb45 7157 715f 3/q31/w3m..EqWq_
0x0090    4175 3575 6f49 6f73 7501 d901 f365 f3f9 Au5uoIosu....e..
0x00a0    61d9 e123 bb89 0333 6ffb b33d a98b cb4f a..#...3o..=...O
0x00b0    e1df 00

Port:17 e4 IP:d1 2c 77 4b
Code (Port:17e4 IP:d12c774b) Select

                 26 0000 0009 0400 0002 0017 e4d1 ...&............
0x00c0    2c77 4b00 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0004 ,wK.............
0x00d0    0000 0042 524f 4b45 4e41 4c4c 4941 4e43 ...BROKENALLIANC
0x00e0    4553 2e43 4f4d 2021 2023 3334 0000 6232 ES.COM.!.#34..b2
0x00f0    3230 3030 3030 3381 0349 0701 01c1 07e5 2000003..I......
0x0100    c107 df1d 35e7 4dcb 6171 735d 456f 7719 ....5.M.aqs]Eow.
0x0110    6f6d 6f61 655d 439d 736f 6b65 6f21 41d9 omoae]C.sokeo!A.
0x0120    6d6d 6961 6f63 6563 7321 332f 3131 639d mmiaocecs!3/11c.
0x0130    2f77 336d 0147 61f9 7345 5b61 5d59 7335 /w3m.Ga.sE[a]Ys5
0x0140    436f 5523 3301 01fd 875d 5171 79dd 73d5 CoU#3....]Qqy.s.
0x0150    454d cdf7 e725 8543 3737 fd97 21bf 00
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: [ruby] socket.print 6113
Last post by i8igmac - February 14, 2012, 10:37 PM
Im going to wake up my old thread with a few new questions... Wc3

first, im watching tcp dump and i see a public list of wc3 games i can join... how can i pull ip and port address from this packet?

0x0000    ff09 600c 1400 0000 0120 4800 0904 0000 ..`.......H.....
0x0010    0200 17e7 d4e0 7d8e 0000 0000 0000 0000 ......}.........
0x0020    1000 0000 0000 0000 4857 4920 5b43 4c41 ........HWI.[CLA
0x0030    4e20 4550 5750 5d20 2023 3134 3139 3900 N.EPWP]..#14199.
0x0040    0062 3737 3733 3030 3033 4103 4907 0101 .b77730003A.I...
0x0050    5b01 eb4b 010f 293f 176d cb61 7173 5d65 [..K..)?.m.aqs]e
0x0060    6f77 196f 6d6f 6165 5d49 6b65 736f 2157 ow.omoae]Ikeso!W
0x0070    6173 bb73 2149 6365 6d61 096f 6573 2177 as.s!Icema.oes!w
0x0080    332f 7133 312f 7733 6d01 eb45 7157 715f 3/q31/w3m..EqWq_
0x0090    4175 3575 6f49 6f73 7501 d901 f365 f3f9 Au5uoIosu....e..
0x00a0    61d9 e123 bb89 0333 6ffb b33d a98b cb4f a..#...3o..=...O
0x00b0    e1df 0026 0000 0009 0400 0002 0017 e4d1 ...&............
0x00c0    2c77 4b00 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0004 ,wK.............
0x00d0    0000 0042 524f 4b45 4e41 4c4c 4941 4e43 ...BROKENALLIANC
0x00e0    4553 2e43 4f4d 2021 2023 3334 0000 6232 ES.COM.!.#34..b2
0x00f0    3230 3030 3030 3381 0349 0701 01c1 07e5 2000003..I......
0x0100    c107 df1d 35e7 4dcb 6171 735d 456f 7719 ....5.M.aqs]Eow.
0x0110    6f6d 6f61 655d 439d 736f 6b65 6f21 41d9 omoae]C.sokeo!A.
0x0120    6d6d 6961 6f63 6563 7321 332f 3131 639d mmiaocecs!3/11c.
0x0130    2f77 336d 0147 61f9 7345 5b61 5d59 7335 /w3m.Ga.sE[a]Ys5
0x0140    436f 5523 3301 01fd 875d 5171 79dd 73d5 CoU#3....]Qqy.s.
0x0150    454d cdf7 e725 8543 3737 fd97 21bf 0080 EM...%.C77..!...
0x0160    2049 0109 0400 0002 0017 e240 55a4 3100 [email protected].
0x0170    0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0004 0000 0044 ...............D
0x0180    6f74 6120 436c 6173 7369 6320 332e 3720 ota.Classic.3.7.
0x0190    2338 3535 3700 0062 6436 3132 3030 3032 #8557..bd6120002
0x01a0    0103 4907 0101 7501 8975 0155 df09 216d ..I...u..u.U..!m
0x01b0    4b61 7173 5d45 4f55 1f41 335f 3737 652f Kaqs]EOU.A3_77e/
0x01c0    4f77 336d 0145 6177 1369 6543 6f75 0101 Ow3m.Eaw.ieCou..
0x01d0    6fc7 11d5 7fbf 6de1 1b69 35e3 dd89 e15f o.....m..i5...._
0x01e0    4fd7 7de3 6537 a500 0120 4900 0904 0000 O.}.e7....I.....
0x01f0    0200 17e1 ae47 0979 0000 0000 0000 0000 .....G.y........
0x0200    1000 0000 0300 0000 466f 6f74           ........Foot.

Also my next question... there are bots/servers/(ghost for example) wc3
these servers have -owners and -admins... they have the write to -kick -ban people from there server and they can give out admin writes to friends...

i have made a simple client with the source i posted above, i can join these servers with a admins name... the question, is admin rights password protected? is spoofed protected? can i execute my own bann and kick commands?
General Discussion / Re: Yep...
Last post by Falcon[anti-yL] - February 09, 2012, 12:25 AM
General Discussion / Re: Yep...
Last post by MysT_DooM - February 08, 2012, 11:23 PM