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Messages - DarkMinion

They could have released a graphics engine update for the original Starcraft and it'd be the same fucking game.  I'm really disappointed so far.
Oh em eff gee
Sup dickbreath  ;)
Excess of Grok / Re: Texas Tech vs. Mississippi?
April 06, 2009, 12:44 AM
Late to the party, but Ole Miss definitely wasn't vastly inferior.
Warcraft / Re: Valhalla Legends on WoW
April 06, 2009, 12:44 AM
Currently playing on Alterac Mountains, look me up if you want

Excess of Grok / Re: OU destroys TT
December 09, 2008, 08:36 AM
Shit happens
Excess of Grok / Re: Texas Tech >>>>> Tejas
November 10, 2008, 02:21 PM
I like how we have been picked to lose our last 3 games.  Kansas would beat us because we can't play on the road.  We were up, what, 63-14 in the 4th?  Texas was supposed to beat us down.  OSU was supposed to beat us because we can't play defense.  36 point ass-kicking?  Now we can't beat OU.  I guess we'll see.
Excess of Grok / Re: Texas Tech >>>>> Tejas
November 04, 2008, 06:34 PM
Uh, I don't know what you're smoking, and I'm 99% sure you haven't watched Tech play in any game before this one....but Tech is leading the conference in total offense AND total defense, and every expert and their mothers have all stated explicitly that the reason Tech won this ballgame was because of how their defense hit Texas in the mouth and set the tone for the game early.  Countless analysts have commented about how Tech's offensive and defensive lines dominated their counterparts.  Texas' offense, early on, aside from a dropped pass from Jordan Shipley, was not asleep, it was stifled.  You can make all the excuses you want in order to make yourself feel better, but you got beat, SOUNDLY, for 3 quarters, mounted a nice comeback in the end, but you still lost.  Get over it and yourself.

You got beat by one of the best QBs and THE best WR in the country when it counted.
Excess of Grok / Re: Texas Tech >>>>> Tejas
November 04, 2008, 09:50 AM
Uh.  We owned Texas in the trenches for nearly 3 quarters.  That's how we won the game.  Texas did indeed make a comeback.  It doesn't change the fact that they were hit early and hard and it rattled them.  It's amazing how people like you refuse to give the team that won any credit for the game.  Dropped passes happen, hell, we had to settle for a FG early on when one of our receivers dropped an easy TD.  Did we make them drop the passes?  Of course not, but I'll tell you what we did do:

Our defensive line dominated Texas' OL for most of the game, Herbstreit and Musberger were commenting about it the entire game, you can't make the claim that you missed it if you actually watched the game.  We consistently got pressure with 3 and 4 man rushes, which allowed us to cover the Texas receivers very well for most of the game, and also allowed us to sack McCoy 4 times and not let him use his legs to beat us.  Whether you want to admit it or not, our defense forced the issue in the first 3 quarters and rattled the Texas offense into silly mistakes like the pick 6 in the 3rd quarter.

Our offensive line is NFL-caliber and gave Harrell all day to throw almost every down, and allowed our running backs to gash their defensive line time and time again.

Texas got a spark from the punt return TD that should have come back (no idea why they picked that flag up, it was an obvious block in the back), and it got them back in the game.  What matters in the end is arguably the best QB in the country marched his team back in less than a minute in a half to win the game, and the (not arguably) best WR in the country put it in the endzone.
Excess of Grok / Re: Texas Tech >>>>> Tejas
November 03, 2008, 11:07 PM
Tech MADE Texas play shitty in the first half.  We owned Texas in the trenches for 3 quarters, which is why they lost.  Colt McCoy spent the majority of his time spitting blood on the sideline until the 4th quarter.
Warcraft / Re: The AS OF June 2008 Thread!
June 13, 2008, 02:12 PM
Kil'Jaeden down as of yesterday for my guild...

Warcraft / Re: After 86 wipes...
June 04, 2008, 01:35 PM
Eww DKP!
Warcraft / M'uru video
May 24, 2008, 03:31 PM
For those interested in the fight, from my perspective.  I would suggest downloading it, the stream sucks.

Gaming Discussion / Re: GTA IV
May 12, 2008, 03:55 PM
Both endings are pretty fucked up.  Story is great, this game gets a 10/10