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Messages - Soul Taker

Politics / Re: God, Pledge, WTF
October 26, 2005, 11:37 AM
Quote from: CrAz3D on October 26, 2005, 09:09 AM
Ok, if you think you have the "misfortune of living" in this country GET THE FUCJ OUT!  I hate people that hate America.  You can hate the government/leaders but if you hate America you are the reason that America is falling.
I wish the country's leaders had taken that stance about the people being oppressed in Iraq, and just told them to get out on their own.
General Discussion / Re: BNLS Question
October 24, 2005, 03:45 PM
Yea, I recall UL found a buffer overflow that let him see people's information, I assume it was information currently being processed.
General Discussion / Re: BNLS Question
October 24, 2005, 01:35 PM
I've heard of security breaches, but they were by good-willed people and no information was stolen, and the holes were fixed.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Guild Wars Question to VL
October 14, 2005, 03:20 PM
God I hope not.
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Happy Birthday UserLoser
October 10, 2005, 10:07 PM
S:   Happy birthday

KinkyFerretSex:   thanks blackie

KinkyFerretSex:   will you get me this as a birthday present? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3138927387&category=2570

S:   Hah

KinkyFerretSex:   sucks the darkie jokebook got taken off

KinkyFerretSex:   it was like "two darkies were talking to eachother; one of them said, 'boy we sure are lazy,' and then they went and picked cotton."

S:   ...

S:   Not really funny but a nice insight

KinkyFerretSex:   i know, they werent funny at all

S:   Sigh @ botdev forum

S:   Guy is asking me if he has to dim a string to use it

KinkyFerretSex:   reading it right now

KinkyFerretSex:   these people should be euthanized

S:   Yea

S:   Omg someone -1ed me

S:   WTF

S:   I was +6/-0 cause I refused to insult these idiots

S:   But someone toasted me

S:   And all I've done is give example code

KinkyFerretSex:   hahahah

KinkyFerretSex:   that was me

S:   NO


KinkyFerretSex:   i was jealous of your high karma

S:   WTF!


S:   I was perfect =[

KinkyFerretSex:   but i just gave you a +1

KinkyFerretSex:   to make up for it

S:   I wanted no negative =[

KinkyFerretSex:   guess you need to register a new account

KinkyFerretSex:   haha loser

S:   Neat I gave you +2

KinkyFerretSex:   that was just vindictive

S:   You gave me +2 too

KinkyFerretSex:   now i have +10/-5

S:   Yep

KinkyFerretSex:   i think the karmas fucked up

S:   I wished you happy birthday too =[

KinkyFerretSex:   try to remember it's just a number on a website, its not a matter of life and death


KinkyFerretSex:   jesus still loves you

S:   "soul taker you have proberly provided me with the most help ever in the on topic"

S:   No + either

KinkyFerretSex:   aaaaaaaaaaaaw

S:   Aw?

S:   Oh right

S:   I forgot I just closed this window

S:   I only made the function for him, not much help at all =P

KinkyFerretSex:   im off

S:   Tah

S:   Omg now I'm -3 you ass

S:   I wished you a happy birthday and got -3 karma for it so go to hell
The timestamps won't copy from my Trillian history, but it was from 1:50 to 2:05 AM.  And the e-bay link is down.
Thing-O-Rama ™ / Re: Happy Birthday UserLoser
October 10, 2005, 05:37 AM
Quote from: K on October 09, 2005, 10:37 PM
It's ok, I didn't get any "happy birthday" on my last birthday, even if it was 21.

[1:50:04 AM] S: Happy Birthday
I think it was only 12:50 for you, so I said it less than an hour after you hit 21.  I'd include your response to make you remember... but I don't know if you'd want it on forums.
I usually find that I need to add some overlooked option to my UI after I have written the code, so for me the reverse seems to often be true.  So far I haven't been unable to shape a UI around any code, though, so my experiences might not be applicable.
I don't see you sending a key length.  It also looks like something is messed up after the spawn boolean.
The empty string (being sent as just a null byte by the OP) should be kept because the official clients send an empty string at the end.  That string is counted as a key being requested, and thusly your number of keys requested should be increased to 2.
Politics / Re: God, Pledge, WTF
September 23, 2005, 11:39 AM
I've never heard it without a pause before 'under God'.
GTC sucks for tracking uptime... unless you reboot constantly.
Politics / Re: God, Pledge, WTF
September 21, 2005, 01:25 PM
lOne nation, under God, indivisiblel has much less flow than lOne nation indivisblel if you ask me.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: D2 1.11B
September 20, 2005, 01:07 PM
Or, they're making balance changes and fixing crash bugs.
General Discussion / Re: Job Offer
September 19, 2005, 03:49 PM
How did you even decipher that?  I counted seven periods in that huge block of text.
Politics / Re: God, Pledge, WTF
September 19, 2005, 03:46 PM
What about people that are employeed by the government?  I had to say a pledge and take an oath when I was hired at the IRS.  It seems logical since it was mostly about pledging that I'm not a terrorist or anarchist.