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Messages - NetNX

Yes because I couldn't describe what I wanted to do made finding it on Google a tedious task. After looking for a bit I created the post and after I found what I was searching for I amended the post. :P
Private Declare Function SetParent Lib "user32" (ByVal
hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32"
Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal
lpWindowName As String) As Long

Dim MyHandle As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
Shell ("c:\winnt\notepad.exe")
MyHandle = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Untitled - Notepad")
SetParent MyHandle, Me.hWnd
End Sub
I'm wonder is it possible to load an Another exe into my VB6 MDI Form.
General Programming / Re: UDP to TCP proxy?
November 28, 2006, 06:01 AM
Quote from: Ringo on November 19, 2006, 05:04 AM
Just use a socks server?
The 2nd byte into the login packet, is a protocol identification byte, 1 for a TCP connection, 2 for UDP Bind. (google will help here)
Iv persionaly never used a socks server for UDP, so im not exacly sure how you specify the address of the destination, when sending data.

What i would persinaly do, as long as your school enables UDP across the network, is write a socks server for your home PC, and a gateway for the school pc+starcraft.
That way, your gateway program can *network* all the udp data to your home pc's socks server, via a TCP connection.
Example, sending 8 bytes to the socks server infront of every udp message with the port/ip/message lengh, so that your socks server can buffer split TCP messages, as well as faward the message payload to the correct address/port.

Its easy in princible, hard in practiss :)

I belive that you can actually use a Socks5 server with SocksCap to do this. IRCC UDP is supported.
you need to write the sender and reciever seperate and put them together at the end (that way you have 2 applications (2 clients) to test your file transfer)

To elaborate on Yegg's methods i suggest using a header (containing the filename to be transfered and size)

Quote from: Newby on November 03, 2006, 08:42 AM
Quote from: Ersan on November 03, 2006, 08:24 AM
You can logon using PMAC, in case anyone doesn't know...  This is the 'super secret solution' everyone is going on about.  This is also how SBFix.exe works.  You need mac hashes though, good luck finding them.

Whether they're going to patch pmac or not, I have no idea.  I don't think they're having big problems with cheaters on mac.

Yeah. I'm not surprised that all the "1337" bot building kiddies couldn't figure it out and decided to change the login to "PMAC"... nobody posted an open source solution yet!

Problem, Ersan: When they realize that the number of PMAC clients outnumber their X86 clients, they'll catch on and patch it! :P

O_o why not XMAC?
Quote from: UserLoser on October 12, 2006, 10:14 PM
These boards are kind of isolated from the whole PVPGN stuff, no offense to any of them, but our knowledge is well past them in most areas of Battle.net specific things (or atleast has been ahead of them for a while), however those are still welcome.  His "D2GS source" is just a D2GS client, like we commonly and properly call a chat connection a BNCS (Battle.net Chat Server) client connection.

Why has nobody been able to make a working D2GS server for the current patch?  And why would onlyer's D2GS server require all those MPQs and DLLs?  Without doing any research, it appears to me that his D2GS.exe is just a replacement of Game.exe and utilizes all the functions for an "open game" on Battle.net where your Game.exe normally starts and controls the game through the use of those files.  I don't think onlyer and others actually wrote the server and the network handling for it, if they did, I may be confused here and not understand what you are meaning exactly. :)

Onlyer dropped off the face of the earth so even if you used his software you would never see another update. Following the similar concept would not be as efficent as actually trying to design your own server.
Most of that information is still accurate as far as packet structure although the packetids may be diffrent.
Quote from: Kp on October 27, 2006, 07:08 PM
Quote from: RealityRipple on October 27, 2006, 05:57 PM
Ya, I had to fix the With Packet issue that caused a windows crash on some computers. Took 2 days to find out what caused it, 2 hours to replace them all correctly, and it still crashes on d1 clients sometimes. I spent the rest of the night looking over all the code in my program, testing different versions of different files, uploading (on dial up) new files so other people could download them, get errors, and try to tell me what went wrong. Fixing a problem you don't have, can't recreate, and can't get a good debug on is hell.

Am I reading this correctly that a "With Packet { blah } End Width" construct in Visual Basic was causing people's computers to BSoD?

Why's it take two hours to clean that all up?  You should be able to write some quick macros in your favorite text editor to automate most of it.

As for fixing: welcome to software development. :)

Well i assume that i assume ripple chat is his creation... a few weeks ago i happened to see a copy of that source on bnetweb if this is his bot i can understand why he would have problems correcting these mistakes.
Quote from: UserLoser on October 31, 2006, 11:42 PM
Honestly, I dont think there's an "easy way" around this...better start using War3 for your bots and don't be stupid and make a floodbot (for anyone out there)

I don't think that's really do-able, Shadow

Well even if it was possible it would not be a practical method for distribution. The idea being that you would need to distribute 'Starcraft.exe' with your bot for it to work. I don't know if you remeber all that drama a few months back with stealthbot getting threatened for carrying and distributing hashes (known now to be a prank). Having a user written library that is not technically the property of blizzard.

@Kp, do you really think blizzard would do that too us? I mean they have never tried before... Worst i'd expect would be an account/cdkey ban.
Visual Basic Programming / Re: Data from Ethereal
February 20, 2006, 12:14 PM
Use a StrToHex Function to obtain the hexidecimal values (or use them since ethereal shows them) and use a winsock1.send HexToStr("AA AA AA AA") replace AA's with the data you want to send!
Ringo, Where have you been all my life? <3
i was wondering if there was a way to break an image down into 32x32 squares and then save the individual files..?
Hmm i come back after so long and find out that this topic has drifted so far from packet research... ?
1)Specifiy a username
2)I've seen this code before...
3)Try a LONG