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Messages - starcrap

Gaming Discussion / Re: CS: Source?
February 25, 2010, 02:43 PM
I have the game but i mostly play l4d2 and source. I do have a l4d2 server that I run off my file server. TF2 is just boring to me, I just crit with sniper all day.
Gaming Discussion / Re: CS: Source?
February 25, 2010, 02:05 PM
pffft 1.6
they finally finish cspromod after like 3 years in mod dev.

Rather just play source.
You guys should come play css with me, I teach you the ways of cevo-p.
Gaming Discussion / Re: CS: Source?
February 25, 2010, 10:33 AM
I play. You can add me on steam as LastStoner

I don't normally pub because they ban me for "cheating"
No way. He's too ugly. Only hot Israeli transgender people are allowed to be assassins.
My name is Kyle. Some of you probably remember me as starcrap. I program in java/c++/vb(Not so much anymore as I do mostly cisco networking stuff now at my school). I just got accepted to Ga.Tech and hrm.....I play alot of l4d2, counter-strike:source and uhm...sometimes I play starcraft?(Wish I had a beta key). Anyways was trolling the web and found your site again. Where is Yoin?