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Messages - Joe

i have to take an electrical pre-ASE monday.
that should be fun.
lol, i was inverse before you were invert. >:-)
comment on THAT comment.
yea, i feel the same way. i'm waiting for those games to come out so i can try them out. i'm not exactly into them like i used to be.
well, we'll figure it out. i've got nothing but time.
as i said previously in my message above, the name i previously used was "inverse", and not "invert". if i did change my name, it will more than likely be Tank, for future reference.

Mystical, thank you. i appreciate the consideration.
so what do i do from here? can anyone fill me in on what kind of process i have to follow from here? do i just wait until someone just says "ok you're in.." or do you guys want to ask me questions? been a while since i've been on a forum.
well, a little background info on me..
i used to get on battle.net back in the day when i was in {][)K}, i went by the username "Inverse". i'm pretty sure some of you know me. Grok, Jigsaw, is RULE still with you guys?

well, the reason i want to join is because i'm pretty sure i can learn more than i can actually contribute. i'm not as geeked up as you guys when it comes to computers, but i'm not computer illiterate. i know more than average.

however, i am taking Diesel Mechanics. so i do have extensive knowledge in that particular area.
if anyone here knows anything about NATEF or ASE, the clearfield job corps center i'm at is NATEF certified and allows you to take your Automotive Service Excellence exams at their expense, and i'm going to take all 6 to become Master Truck Certified (Diesel)

i'm not sure if you guys are still a "Computer" based group, but i'd love to be a part of it. i do pick up easily. i'm all-around electronically inclined.
anyway, for those of you i know, nice to see you again, for those of you whom i haven't had the pleasure of meeting, nice to meet you.