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Messages - Gary13579

Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 12, 2010, 01:00 AM
The base of the bot is heroin/nil, yes. However it is so incredibly modified that calling it heroin is a sin. I've basically re-factored nearly every part of the library.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 10, 2010, 09:42 PM
EvilSeph or whatever, right? The last time I actively went to malloc, I "abused" my powers as netadmin to +v myself in #psp-hacks. Which, being an admin for the website, I thought was fine. Especially considering the channel was only there because our server was linked to theirs. He PM'd me and flipped out about how unacceptable it was and that I was abusing my powers as netadmin. I said whatever, removed it, and just went on my way.

2 weeks later he contacted me and told me he wanted dashhacks unlinked from malloc. I just laughed and left. I guess Greg eventually pulled the server down.

Anyway, this is really OT.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 09, 2010, 09:11 PM
Quote from: rabbit on March 09, 2010, 08:32 PM
Funny...you're in #psplua @ rizon but you're not on dax at all :|

I was a Dashhacks (PSP-Hacks) admin for several years, as well as a netadmin on Toc2rta and malloc. I disappeared, and it seems everyone has split off onto 20 different servers. I hang out in #psplua because of old friends, none of us even have a PSP anymore.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: Your bots :)
March 09, 2010, 07:52 PM

GUIs are for suckers. Completely cross platform, have gotten it running on Windows, Mac, and use it on nix now (obviously). Only supports PES and does not answer Warden, because of time constraints (I have a lot of D*-like pathing code done, much inspired by RingO, to keep the project cross platform, and I know how to bypass Warden but just haven't added it yet).

Running anywhere from 60-70 bots at a time, now. Makes me a decent amount.
Been looking for this packet for over a year now; a MH I used to use would list the number of games currently on the server, but I never tried to figure out how it was done. I'll look more into it when I get some free time.

cheers, mate.