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Messages - psilocybin

/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Introducing...
October 01, 2009, 10:51 PM
It's pretty empty in here, but on the off chance that I'm browsing the recent topics here and want to post something, I've gone ahead and registered. Anyways, I'm a Computer Engineering student. I've casually done reverse engineering for a few years and some cracking when I need to (I'm not very good, but I can occasionally get shit done). I know 8051 and x86 assembly, VHDL, C, and Java (even though I suck at/hate OOP).

Well, I probably won't be contributing too much around here, but at least I've introduced myself.
General Programming / Re: [C]Bitwise Help?
October 01, 2009, 10:14 PM
Uhh I guess I got here too late to help you with your homework, but mine's the best  :P

int sm2tc(unsigned int x) {
int neg=~(x>>31)+1;

return (x+neg)^neg;